
Perfect for You


SuY­a­tra’s Lux­u­ry Chard­ham Yatra Pack­age offers an extrav­a­gant expe­ri­ence. With a start­ing price of Rs 45,000 per per­son, our pack­ages include lux­u­ry trans­port and accom­mo­da­tions for a seam­less blend of com­fort and spir­i­tu­al­i­ty. Our pre­mi­um ser­vices fea­ture top-class hotels with excep­tion­al hos­pi­tal­i­ty. Each of our Lux­u­ry Chard­ham Yatra Tour Pack­ages pro­vides ample stay and com­plete pil­grim­age expe­ri­ence, along with activ­i­ties like sight­see­ing and trekking. We take care of all nec­es­sary arrange­ments, includ­ing trans­porta­tion, meals, and lodg­ing. Our team assists and guides in plan­ning an unfor­get­table jour­ney to the holy Chard­ham from var­i­ous cities across India. Addi­tion­al­ly, we offer reli­gious tour pack­ages start­ing from spe­cif­ic loca­tions, such as Mum­bai, Kolkata, Hyder­abad, and oth­er major cities for the Chard­ham Yatra.

Chardham Yatra Tour Package 2025

This lux­u­ri­ous Chard­ham Yatra pack­age is a pil­grim­age to the four holy sites in Uttarak­hand, known as Devb­hoo­mi or Land of Gods. Devo­tees from dif­fer­ent states and cities in India flock to
Uttarak­hand all year round. Specif­i­cal­ly, Chard­ham Yatra is a pil­grim­age to four impor­tant spir­i­tu­al sites. The word Chard­ham, which orig­i­nates from Hin­di, lit­er­al­ly means “four reli­gious des­ti­na­tions” These four des­ti­na­tions are Yamunotri, Gan­gotri, Kedar­nath, and Badri­nath.

Expe­ri­ence a unique spir­i­tu­al jour­ney with our exclu­sive Best Lux­u­ry Chard­ham Yatra Tour Pack­age! Sur­round­ed by the awe-inspir­ing Himalayas, these four revered shrines hold deep sig­nif­i­cance in Hin­du beliefs. Whether you seek inner peace, enlight­en­ment, or sim­ply want to mar­vel at nature ” splen­dour, this pil­grim­age will cap­ti­vate you. Our Chard­ham Yatra Pack­ages offer a per­fect com­bi­na­tion of spir­i­tu­al prac­tices and thrilling adven­tures. From tra­di­tion­al rit­u­als and sacred riv­er baths to breath tak­ing views and divine bless­ings, join us as we guide you through the mys­ti­cal won­ders of Uttarak­hand ”  sacred tem­ples. Say yes to an unfor­get­table expe­di­tion into the realm of devo­tion by pack­ing your bags now!

Chardham Yatra Tour Package from Haridwar

Are you in search of a reju­ve­nat­ing spir­i­tu­al jour­ney? Your answer lies with­in the Lux­u­ry Chard­ham Yatra Tour Pack­age from Harid­war. This revered Hin­du pil­grim­age takes you to four sacred sites nes­tled amid the majes­tic Himalayas. For a more extrav­a­gant expe­ri­ence, there are also Lux­u­ry Pack­ages avail­able. Pic­ture your­self trav­el­ling with pre­mi­um lux­u­ry cars and trans­port to each site, while tak­ing in breath tak­ing aer­i­al views of the stun­ning land­scapes below. With this exclu­sive pack­age, con­ve­nience and opu­lence are guar­an­teed at every step of your jour­ney.

Perfect for You

Popular Tour Package

Secure your spot for the 2025 Chard­ham Yatra with SuY­a­tra, depart­ing from Ahmed­abad. Our excep­tion­al ser­vices include accom­mo­da­tions, and trans­porta­tion at rea­son­able prices.

12Days / 11Nights

12Days / 11Nights

12 Days /11 Nights

12Days / 11Nights /

10 Days / 09 Nights /

12Days / 11Nights

11 Nights / 12 days

Frequently Asked Question

The Chard­ham Yatra encom­pass­es four sacred sites that hold immense reli­gious sig­nif­i­cance for Hin­dus. The first stop on this spir­i­tu­al sojourn is Yamunotri, the birth­place of the holy riv­er Yamu­na. Sit­u­at­ed in Uttarkashi dis­trict of Uttarak­hand, devo­tees vis­it the tem­ple ded­i­cat­ed to God­dess Yamu­na to seek bless­ings and cleanse their souls in the pris­tine waters.

Next on the pil­grim­age trail is Gan­gotri, nes­tled amidst breath-tak­ing Himalayan vis­tas. It is believed to be the place where Riv­er Gan­ga descend­ed from heav­en onto Earth. Pil­grims flock here to offer prayers at the ancient Gan­gotri Tem­ple and take a dip in its holy waters, seek­ing purifi­ca­tion and sal­va­tion. Mov­ing ahead, we reach Kedar­nath — home to one of Lord Shiv­a’s twelve Jyotirlingas.Perched at an alti­tude of 3,583 meters above sea lev­el, this shrine holds immense impor­tance for devo­tees who brave treach­er­ous ter­rain and weath­er con­di­tions to seek Lord Shiv­a’s bless­ings.
Last but cer­tain­ly not least is Badri­nath — sit­u­at­ed along the banks of Alak­nan­da Riv­er in Chamoli dis­trict. This revered site hous­es a tem­ple ded­i­cat­ed to Lord Vish­nu and attracts pil­grims from all over India who come here seek­ing Mok­sha (lib­er­a­tion) through their devo­tion. Each of these four holy sites offers a unique expe­ri­ence and oppor­tu­ni­ty for spir­i­tu­al awak­en­ing as part of Chard­ham Yatra.

Chard­ham Yatra holds immense sig­nif­i­cance for Hin­dus as it encom­pass­es four holy sites that are con­sid­ered to be the abode of gods and god­dess­es. These sacred pil­grim­age sites
include Yamunotri, Gan­gotri, Kedar­nath, and Badri­nath. Each of these des­ti­na­tions is
believed to be asso­ci­at­ed with dif­fer­ent deities and has its own spir­i­tu­al impor­tance. For devout Hin­dus, under­tak­ing the Chard­ham Yatra is a way to seek bless­ings, attain
spir­i­tu­al cleans­ing, and strength­en their faith in the divine. It is believed that by vis­it­ing these
shrines and offer­ing prayers with utmost devo­tion, one can receive divine grace and have
their sins washed away.
The yatra also pro­vides an oppor­tu­ni­ty for intro­spec­tion and self-reflec­tion. It allows
devo­tees to detach from world­ly affairs and immerse them­selves in prayer­ful con­tem­pla­tion
amidst the serene beau­ty of nature. The breath-tak­ing land­scapes encoun­tered dur­ing the
jour­ney add a mys­ti­cal charm to the over­all expe­ri­ence.
More­over, Chard­ham Yatra holds his­tor­i­cal sig­nif­i­cance as well. These ancient tem­ples hold
sto­ries of leg­ends and mythol­o­gy that con­nect peo­ple with their rich cul­tur­al her­itage.

The best time to embark on a Chard­ham Yatra is dur­ing the months of May to June and Sep­tem­ber to Octo­ber. These months offer pleas­ant weath­er con­di­tions, mak­ing it eas­i­er for pil­grims to under­take the jour­ney. Dur­ing this time, the snow has melt­ed in most parts of Uttarak­hand, allow­ing for smoother trav­el.
In May and June, the region expe­ri­ences mild tem­per­a­tures rang­ing from 15°C to 30°C. The
days are longer, pro­vid­ing ample day­light for explo­ration. It is also dur­ing this peri­od that all four holy sites — Yamunotri, Gan­gotri, Kedar­nath, and­Badri­nath — are  acces­si­ble.
Dur­ing Sep­tem­ber and Octo­ber, after the mon­soon sea­son ends, nature adorns itself with
vibrant colours as flow­ers bloom across mead­ows and val­leys. The weath­er remains cool at around 10°C to 25°C dur­ing these months.
It’s impor­tant to note that Chard­ham Yatra attracts a large num­ber of devo­tees dur­ing peak
sea­sons like Char Dham Shrines Open­ing & Clos­ing Dates (April/May & Oct/November)
which can result in heavy crowds and con­gest­ed roads. There­fore, plan­ning your trip well in advance is cru­cial.
No mat­ter when you choose to vis­it Chard­ham Yatra, every sea­son has its own charm! So, plan accord­ing to your pref­er­ences – whether you pre­fer a qui­eter pil­grim­age or want to
engage with fel­low devo­tees.
Fac­tors such as per­son­al con­ve­nience, safe­ty, and com­fort should be tak­en into con­sid­er­a­tion while decid­ing on the tim­ing of your yatra.

Plan­ning a trip for Chard­ham Yatra can be an excit­ing and ful­fill­ing expe­ri­ence. To ensure a
smooth and has­sle-free jour­ney, here are some tips to help you plan your trip effec­tive­ly.
It is impor­tant to decide on the dura­tion of your yatra. The Chard­ham Yatra typ­i­cal­ly takes
around 10–12 days to com­plete, but you can cus­tomize it accord­ing to your pref­er­ences and
time con­straints.
Next, make sure to check the best time to vis­it. The yatra sea­son usu­al­ly begins in May and
lasts until Novem­ber, with peak months being May-June and Sep­tem­ber-Octo­ber. Weath­er con­di­tions play a cru­cial role in deter­min­ing the acces­si­bil­i­ty of these holy sites, so do thor­ough research before final­iz­ing your trav­el dates. When plan­ning your itin­er­ary, con­sid­er vis­it­ing Yamunotri first, fol­lowed by Gan­gotri,
Kedar­nath, and final­ly Badri­nath. This sequence is often rec­om­mend­ed as per reli­gious beliefs.

In terms of trans­porta­tion options, you can choose between hir­ing a pri­vate vehi­cle or opt­ing
for shared taxis or bus­es that oper­ate dur­ing the yatra sea­son. It is advis­able to book in
advance as avail­abil­i­ty might be lim­it­ed dur­ing peak peri­ods. Accom­mo­da­tion arrange­ments should also be made before­hand. There are sev­er­al guest­hous­es and hotels avail­able near these pil­grim­age sites cater­ing specif­i­cal­ly to pil­grims needs. Don’t for­get trav­el insur­ance! It’s always wise to have trav­el insur­ance that cov­ers med­ical emer­gen­cies or unfore­seen cir­cum­stances dur­ing the jour­ney. By keep­ing these fac­tors in mind while plan­ning your Chard­ham Yatra trip metic­u­lous­ly ahead of time will ensure a mem­o­rable expe­ri­ence filled with spir­i­tu­al­i­ty amidst the serene beau­ty of Uttarakhand’s moun­tains!

When it comes to the trav­el and accom­mo­da­tion options for Chard­ham Yatra, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. Trans­porta­tion is an impor­tant aspect of this jour­ney. You can choose to trav­el by road or by heli­copter, depend­ing on your pref­er­ences and bud­get.
For those who pre­fer road trav­el, there are sev­er­al tour oper­a­tors that offer pack­age tours with
com­fort­able vehi­cles and expe­ri­enced dri­vers. These pack­ages usu­al­ly include
accom­mo­da­tion as well, so you don’t have to wor­ry about find­ing a place to stay along the
If you pre­fer a more con­ve­nient and time-sav­ing option, then book­ing a heli­copter ride is ide­al. Heli­copter ser­vices are avail­able for all four holy sites — Yamunotri, Gan­gotri,
Kedar­nath, and Badri­nath. This allows you to cov­er all the des­ti­na­tions quick­ly with­out hav­ing to endure long hours of trav­el­ing on treach­er­ous moun­tain roads. In terms of accom­mo­da­tion, there are var­i­ous options avail­able rang­ing from lux­u­ry hotels to guest­hous­es and dharmsha­las (reli­gious shel­ters). It’s advis­able to book your accom­mo­da­tions
in advance dur­ing peak sea­son as avail­abil­i­ty may be lim­it­ed. Anoth­er impor­tant point is that while plan­ning your trip, make sure you con­sid­er the weath­er con­di­tions and check for any route clo­sures due to land­slides or oth­er nat­ur­al calami­ties. It’s
always bet­ter to be pre­pared before­hand by keep­ing track of weath­er updates and con­sult­ing
with local author­i­ties if need­ed. Whether you choose road trav­el or opt for a heli­copter ride; ensure that your accom­mo­da­tions
are booked in advance; con­sid­er any pos­si­ble dis­rup­tions due to weath­er con­di­tions — these con­sid­er­a­tions will help make your Chard­ham Yatra expe­ri­ence smooth and has­sle-free!

Dur­ing the Chard­ham Yatra, there are sev­er­al impor­tant things to keep in mind to ensure a smooth and safe jour­ney. First and fore­most, it is cru­cial to have all the nec­es­sary doc­u­ments
with you, includ­ing iden­ti­fi­ca­tion proof and per­mits for restrict­ed areas. Addi­tion­al­ly, make sure to car­ry enough cash as ATMs may not be read­i­ly avail­able in remote loca­tions.
Anoth­er impor­tant aspect is phys­i­cal fit­ness. The Chard­ham Yatra involves trekking through hilly ter­rains and high alti­tudes, so it is advis­able to engage in reg­u­lar exer­cise and pre­pare your body for the demands of the jour­ney. It is also rec­om­mend­ed to con­sult a doc­tor before
embark­ing on this pil­grim­age if you have any under­ly­ing health con­di­tions.
Weath­er con­di­tions can be unpre­dictable in the moun­tains, so pack­ing appro­pri­ate cloth­ing is
essen­tial. Lay­ered cloth­ing that can eas­i­ly adapt to chang­ing tem­per­a­tures is rec­om­mend­ed.
Don’t for­get essen­tials such as rain­coats or umbrel­las dur­ing mon­soon sea­son.
Car­ry a first aid kit with basic med­ica­tions and sup­plies for com­mon ail­ments like headaches,
stom­ach issues, and alti­tude sick­ness. It’s always bet­ter to be pre­pared for unfore­seen
Respect­ing local cus­toms and tra­di­tions is vital dur­ing the yatra. Be mind­ful of reli­gious
prac­tices at tem­ples and refrain from tak­ing pho­tographs where pro­hib­it­ed. Remem­ber that you are enter­ing sacred spaces revered by mil­lions of devo­tees.
While under­tak­ing this spir­i­tu­al jour­ney, it’s impor­tant to main­tain a pos­i­tive mind­set and
embrace the chal­lenges that come along the way. Seek guid­ance from expe­ri­enced trav­el­ers
or tour oper­a­tors who can pro­vide valu­able insights about dos and don’ts spe­cif­ic to each
By keep­ing these impor­tant fac­tors in mind dur­ing your Chard­ham Yatra expe­ri­ence, you can
ensure a ful­fill­ing spir­i­tu­al jour­ney while pri­or­i­tiz­ing safe­ty and respect for both nature and cul­ture!

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