

    Maha Kumbh Mela 2025 Prayagraj

    Maha Kumbh Mela 2025 – The Kumbh Mela 2025 is sched­uled to take place in Alla­habad (Prayag) from Jan­u­ary 13th to Feb­ru­ary 26th, 2025. Hin­dus are known for their pas­sion to cel­e­brate fes­ti­vals in a grand way. Kumbh Mela Praya­graj 2025 is one such fes­ti­val admired by the Hin­dus. The event takes place in major & ancient cities of India named Prayag Raj (ear­li­er Alla­habad), Harid­war, Nasik & Ujjain. It usu­al­ly takes 12 years to get a repeat on the same loca­tion except in Prayag Raj and Harid­war. In Prayag Raj and Harid­war, there is an Ardh Kumbh (small­er ver­sion of Maha Kumbh) every 6 Years also. The his­to­ry of Kumbh Mela in India way back to when the earth used to be the stay­ing place for the Gods. In a bat­tle between the gods and demons to win the nec­tar of immor­tal­i­ty, some of the much sought after liq­uid fell on the rivers at Praya­graj, Harid­war, Nasik, and Ujjain. Fol­low this link to check Kumbh Mela 2025 Shahi Snan Date



    Important Bathing Dates (Shahi Snan) 2025 during Kumbh Mela: -


    Bathing Day

    Paush Purn­i­maFull moon bath, aus­pi­cious start of Kumbh MelaJan­u­ary 13, 2025
    Makar Sankran­tiMarks the tran­si­tion of the Sun into Capri­cornJan­u­ary 14, 2025
    Mau­ni AmavasyaMost sig­nif­i­cant bath day; mil­lions attendJan­u­ary 28, 2025
    Bas­ant Pan­cha­miCel­e­brates the arrival of springFeb­ru­ary 3, 2025
    Maghi Purn­i­maFull moon bath; sym­bol­izes spir­i­tu­al ful­fill­mentFeb­ru­ary 12, 2025
    Maha Shiv­ra­triHon­or­ing Lord Shi­vaMarch 1, 2025
    AmavasyaNew moon bathMarch 29, 2025
    Chaitra Purn­i­maFinal bathing dayApril 12, 2025

    Perfect for You


    Spiritual Tour Packages in India

    Spir­i­tu­al Tour Pack­ages in India- As trav­el guides, we, at Su-Yatra endeav­our to help peo­ple expe­ri­ence their best divine moments in life. With metic­u­lous­ly pre­pared reli­gious pack­ages, we intend to pro­vide pil­grims with mem­o­rable, devo­tion­al and valu­able spir­i­tu­al expe­ri­ences. In addi­tion to ensur­ing the safe­ty and logis­tics of our pil­grims, we ensure that peo­ple get the best pos­si­ble expe­ri­ence. Using our exper­tise, peo­ple can devise cost-effec­tive trav­el, accom­mo­da­tion
    and activ­i­ties.

    A vari­ety of Spir­i­tu­al India Tour Pack­ages are avail­able from Su-Yatra. In India, there are a num­ber of spir­i­tu­al tour pack­ages. These places are locat­ed in dif­fer­ent states and cities. By immers­ing your­self in Indi­a’s mythol­o­gy, and spir­i­tu­al­i­ty, you will sure­ly find a new mean­ing to life. The Chard­ham Yatra and Amar­nath Yatra are ide­al for this tour.

    India is a land burst­ing with cul­ture and col­or. Known as the Land of Spir­i­tu­al­i­ty, it encap­su­lates a mul­ti­tude of tra­di­tions, beliefs, and cus­toms. India has wit­nessed numer­ous reli­gious mile­stones and events. Whether it is Lord Buddha’s enlight­en­ment or Varanasi’s crown­ing with the Ganges, India sup­ports all reli­gions. The spir­i­tu­al splen­dor of India has attract­ed peo­ple from around the world to vis­it it and expe­ri­ence spir­i­tu­al­i­ty.

    Su-Yatra serves as your trust­wor­thy facil­i­ta­tor to explore Indi­a’s ancient gems. We offer var­i­ous pack­ages to sacred des­ti­na­tions through­out the coun­try, includ­ing Chard­ham Yatra, Amar­nath Yatra, and Kailash Mansarovar Yatra. Addi­tion­al­ly, we have heli­copter tours of Chard­ham Yatra, as well as Do Dham Yatra and Ek Dham Yatra options. These spir­i­tu­al jour­neys come with well-arranged vis­its, meals, and rea­son­able prices. Our expe­ri­enced the team eval­u­ates each tour pack­age to ensure max­i­mum sat­is­fac­tion and enjoy­ment for our cus­tomers.

    Pro­vid­ing soul-nour­ish­ing spir­i­tu­al expe­ri­ences through our trav­el pack­ages, we link rel­e­vant activ­i­ties to our tour pack­ages, allow­ing you to cre­ate unfor­get­table mem­o­ries. In addi­tion to pro­vid­ing a com­plete tour of Chard­ham Yatra and Amar­nath Yatra of the divine places, we also pro­vide oth­er activ­i­ties. Su-Yatra invests in pro­vid­ing com­fort­able spir­i­tu­al expe­ri­ences for Chard­ham Yatra Tour Pack­ages, Amar­nath Yatra Pack­ages, Kailash Man­ima­hesh Yatra Pack­ages, Nepal Tour Pack­ages

    Perfect for You


    10 Days / 09 Nights /

    12Days / 11Nights /

    10 Days / 09 Nights /

    12Days / 11Nights /

    Perfect for You


    6Days / 5Nights

    3Days / 2Night

    Perfect for You


    Kumbh mela 1st Bath Opening

    Kumbh mela 1st Bath Open­ing Date – 13 Jan­u­ary to 28 Feb­ru­ary

    4Night / 5Days


    Start­ing From
    47,000/-Pp Per Person

    3Night / 4Days

    2Night / 3Days

    Perfect for You

    Customer’s Review

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      Perfect for You

      Customer’s Rating’s

      Based on 75 reviews
      powered by Google
      15:18 10 Nov 24
      Thanks Su-Yatra, spe­cial­ly Arun ji for mak­ing our Do-Dham yatra mem­o­rable. Group of 31 peo­ple, every­thing went just super smooth from Heli­copter tick­et book­ing to Trav­el n Stay arrange­ments… One of the best hotel in entire trip spe­cial­ly the Rishikesh n Badri­nath and Kedar­nath Guest house in front of Tem­ple was just some­thing that made our Trip just amaz­ing.
      Ravi ShahaniRavi Sha­hani
      07:17 23 Oct 24
      Booked a 17 seater trav­eller for excur­sion. Good ser­vice. Good con­di­tion of Trav­eller . Dri­ver was well trained . Well behaved throught out the jour­ney. Well expe­ri­enced. Shall book again in future. Very rea­son­able pric­ing .
      Alan BondAlan Bond
      13:17 21 Oct 24
      Sunil KadamSunil Kadam
      07:59 11 Oct 24
      Hi,I am hap­py to share my feel­ings with you all,we real­ly enjoyed our trip with SU Yatra, and real­ly Appre­ci­ate to Arun who has tak­en care of all our arrange­ments from 6th Octo­ber To 10th October.I am impressed to share your Tour name’s with all my friends and family.RegardsSunil Kadam
      Rajesh S PunjabiRajesh S Pun­jabi
      10:38 24 Sep 24
      Su- Yatra had arranged pack­age for Dho Dham yatra in the month of Sep­tem­ber. The hotel prop­er­ty selec­tion was good by them at var­i­ous places. The cab was new and the dri­ver expe­ri­enced good guy. The heli­copter book­ings helped us to do Kedar­nath yatra with comfort.I hap­pi­ly rec­om­mend Su-Yatra and spe­cial thanks to Divya for her every­days con­cern and care dur­ing the trip.
      We had a 12 nights Kedar­nath tour with Su-Yatra ex Del­hi, It was mem­o­rable trip arranged by Divya ji and Arun ji, every day either of them con­tact­ed us and found about our well-being. All the hotels were good except the hotel/guest house Jodh­pur House at Kedar­nath and the dri­ver of the vehi­cle could have been more coop­er­a­tive.
      08:49 26 Jun 24
      Over­all the expe­ri­ence was mem­o­rable but the expe­ri­ence of the guest house in Kedar­nath was not good at all. Even the dri­ver could have been more friend­ly.
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