
Perfect for You


Lux­u­ry Chard­ham Yatra by Heli­copter ‑Su-Yatra offers an unpar­al­leled expe­ri­ence, com­bin­ing lux­u­ry and spir­i­tu­al­i­ty in one unfor­get­table adven­ture. Leave behind the hus­tle and bus­tle of every­day life as you immerse your­self in the divine atmos­phere of Chard­ham. Get ready to wit­ness the holi­est shrines of Yamunotri, Gan­gotri, Kedar­nath, and Badri­nath in just 4 nights and 5 days. So, pack your bags, fas­ten your seat­belts, and let’s take off for an extra­or­di­nary jour­ney towards enlight­en­ment!

The Benefits

When it comes to embark­ing on the sacred Chard­ham Yatra, there are sev­er­al ways to make this spir­i­tu­al jour­ney. While some pre­fer tra­di­tion­al meth­ods of trav­el­ing by road or foot, oth­ers opt for the con­ve­nience and lux­u­ry of a heli­copter tour. And let us tell you, there are plen­ty of ben­e­fits that come with choos­ing this mode of transportation!Furthermore, opt­ing for a heli­copter tour means avoid­ing crowd­ed pil­grim­age routes. You won’t have to jos­tle through throngs of devo­tees or wait in long queues at tem­ples. Instead, you can enjoy pri­vate dar­shans (vis­its) at each Dham with­out any has­sle or incon­ve­nience.

Anoth­er advan­tage is the com­fort and con­ve­nience pro­vid­ed by heli­copters them­selves. With spa­cious seat­ing arrange­ments and smooth flights, you can relax and soak up the beau­ty around you with­out wor­ry­ing about dis­com­fort or fatigue from ardu­ous jour­neys. More­over, safe­ty is always para­mount dur­ing any trav­el expe­ri­ence — espe­cial­ly when tra­vers­ing chal­leng­ing ter­rains like those encoun­tered dur­ing the Chard­ham Yatra. Heli­copters under­go rig­or­ous main­te­nance checks before every flight ensur­ing top-notch safe­ty stan­dards through­out your jour­ney. The Lux­u­ry Chard­ham Yatra by heli­copter offers a metic­u­lous­ly planned itin­er­ary that allows
you to vis­it all the four Dhams in just 4 nights and 5 days. The tour starts from Dehradun, mak­ing it con­ve­nient for trav­ellers to reach the start­ing point with­out any has­sle.

Perfect for You

Popular Tour Package

3Days / 2 Nights

5Days / 4Nights