
6Days / 5Nights
Tour Type
Prayagraj and Ayodhya Tour Package from Varanasi
Group Size
4 Person
Tour Guide
1 Mentor
Ayodhya Tour Package from Varanasi

Varanasi, Prayagraj and Ayodhya Tour Package from Varanasi (6D/5N)

Wel­come to a jour­ney through the holy cities of Varanasi, Praya­graj, and Ayo­d­hya! Brace your­self for an enchant­i­ng explo­ration that will take you deep into the heart of Indi­a’s rich his­to­ry and spir­i­tu­al­i­ty. This 5N 6D tour pack­age is designed to immerse you in the ancient tra­di­tions, cul­tur­al mar­vels, and sacred sites that have attract­ed pil­grims and seek­ers from around the world for cen­turies. At Su-Yatra our Deluxe Pack­ages Start from Rs15500. Get ready to embark on a cap­ti­vat­ing adven­ture filled with mys­ti­cal tem­ples, sacred rivers, awe-inspir­ing rit­u­als, and tales of gods and god­dess­es. So, fas­ten your seat­belts as we dive head­first into this fas­ci­nat­ing expe­di­tion through time!

Ayodhya Tour Package from Varanasi
Ayo­d­hya Tour Pack­age from Varanasi

Varanasi, Prayagraj  & Ayodhya Tour Package from Varanasi – 5N 6D

Varanasi, Praya­graj, and Ayo­d­hya – three names that evoke a sense of ancient mys­ti­cism and spir­i­tu­al awak­en­ing. This 5N 6D tour pack­age from Varanasi

promis­es an unfor­get­table jour­ney through these holy cities, where his­to­ry seeps into every stone and the divine pres­ence is pal­pa­ble in the air.

Our adven­ture begins in Varanasi, the old­est liv­ing city in the world. As you wan­der through its labyrinthine lanes, you’ll wit­ness a tapes­try of colours, sounds, and aro­mas. Step foot on the sacred Ghats of the Riv­er Ganges as devo­tees per­form their morn­ing rit­u­als amidst ethe­re­al chants and float­ing divas.

From there, we make our way to Praya­graj (for­mer­ly known as Alla­habad), home to one of Hin­duis­m’s most revered pil­grim­age sites — The Triveni Sangam. Here at this con­flu­ence of three rivers — Gan­ga, Yamu­na, and Saraswati — seek­ers gath­er to cleanse their souls and par­take in holy baths believed to wash away sins.

Next stop: Ayo­d­hya! Known as the birth­place of Lord Ram him­self, Ayo­d­hya boasts a rich her­itage steeped in mythol­o­gy. Explore ancient tem­ples like Ram Jan­mab­hoo­mi Tem­ple Com­plex and Hanu­man Garhi that stand tes­ta­ment to thou­sands of years  worth of devo­tion.

Through­out this immer­sive jour­ney into his­to­ry’s embrace, you’ll have expe­ri­enced guides who will regale you with cap­ti­vat­ing tales from Indi­a’s past. Soak up knowl­edge about dynas­ties that rose and fell while mar­vel­ling at archi­tec­tur­al won­ders such as Kashi Vish­wanath Tem­ple or AksharD­ham Tem­ple.

This metic­u­lous­ly craft­ed tour pack­age includes com­fort­able accom­mo­da­tions for your peace­ful nights & rest after days filled with awe-inspir­ing expe­ri­ences. Savour authen­tic local cui­sine along the way as each city offers its own culi­nary delights that will tan­ta­lize your taste buds.

Cost Per Per­son Rs 15,500
Note: The cost­ing is for Indi­an Nation­als only. The above prices are not applic­a­ble for long
week­ends, fes­ti­val dates, Christ­mas and New Year Hol­i­days.

  • Min­i­mum 4 per­sons are required to book this tour

Note:- 50% advance pay­ment for book­ing  50% remain­ing bal­ance pay on arrival (before reach

  • Men­tioned prices may vary depend­ing upon date of trav­el, hotel avail­abil­i­ty, surge pric­ing and sea­son­al rush
    Can­cel­la­tion Pol­i­cy: –
  •  No refund if tour can­celled due to bad weath­er con­di­tion or things which are not in our hand.
  • 50% refund if you would like to can­cel your tour 1 month before start­ing date.


  • Hotel accom­mo­da­tion as per pack­age same or sim­i­lar hotels.
  •  Double/Triple/Quad Shar­ing rooms in Hotels
  •  Trans­port as per pack­age
  •  Break­fast + Din­ner
  •  Trans­fers and sight­see­ing as prepack­age car.
  •  All toll tax, park­ing, fuel and dri­ver allowances.
  •  All applic­a­ble hotel and trans­port tax­es.


  • GST
  • Lunch does not include in Pack­age.
  • Any­thing not men­tioned under ‘Pack­age Inclu­sions’
  •  All per­son­al expens­es, option­al tours and extra meals.
  •  Med­ical and trav­el insur­ance.
  •  Any kind of entry fees any­where if not men­tioned in includ­ing.
  •  Tips, trav­el insur­ance, med­ical insur­ance, laun­dry charges, liquors, min­er­al water, tele­phone charges.
  •  All items of per­son­al nature.
  •  Air Ticket/Railway Tick­ets not include

Hotels Name

  • Ayo­d­hya – Avadh Sun­shine Palace/Similar
  •  Praya­graj – Hotel Prayag/Similar
  • Varanasi – Alka Hotel/Similar



  • Air­port pick up/drop (Hotel-Air­port-Hotel)
  • Full Day Sight­seen in Kath­man­du and Pokhara
  •  Kathmandu–Pokhara-Kathmandu sur­face trans­fer.
  •  Pokhara-Muk­ti Nath-Pokhara (shar­ing) trans­port by bus or jeep as per group size
  •  ACAP-Muk­ti Nath per­mit and oth­ers place sight­see­ing entry fee.


  • If Air Tick­ets has been booked by us 100% of the tick­et amount will be deduct­ed if the fare is non-refund­able.
  •  With­in 60 Days pri­or to arrival date of the tour packages/Hotel /Transportation: 25% Reten­tion of the Tour Cost.
  • With­in 15 Days pri­or to arrival date of the tour packages/Hotel /Transportation: 50% Reten­tion of the Tour Cost.
  •  With­in 7 Days pri­or to arrival date of the tour packages/Hotel /Transportation: 100% Reten­tion of the Tour Cost.

If the pas­sen­gers have any com­plaints regard­ing our ser­vices like hotels and trans­port are advised to inform imme­di­ate­ly at +91 9599330053 / 9599330054 so that the same be read­dressed on the spot.


Tour Itinerary

Varanasi, Prayagraj  & Ayodhya Tour Package from Varanasi – 5N 6D

After your safe arrival at Varanasi Airport/Railway Station, Our representative will take you to the hotel and will help you with the check-in. You will be received by the staff of the hotel and will be served with a pleasant feast. Then you can go and around and visit the Ghats and take walks around, or you can go to Ganga Aarti at River Ganga. Help yourself to spent the first day and leave the rest on us. Later you can come back to the hotel and you will stay there overnight.
On the second day post an alluring breakfast, we will go for a sightseeing tour to Varanasi city, where we will see every place that Lord Shiva had been and to every spot of respect and faith. We will see people doing their rituals and Arties. Following the city tour, we will then go for an excursion to Sarnath. After that, we will go back to the hotel and stay there for the night to take rest. Let’s have the hearts full of magnificent tour with the best tourism team ever.
Next morning post an appealing breakfast, we will go for a drive to Allahabad which is also known as Prayagraj. We will visit the old Allahabad Fort and Triveni Sangam. Where you will witness the meeting of two holy rivers, Ganga and Yamuna. Following that, we will visit Anand Bhawan. After that, we will drive back to the hotel in Varanasi and stay in there for the night to take rest. Let’s have the hearts full of a magnificent tour with the best tourism team ever.
After breakfast and check out from hotel drive towards Ayodhya and visit Saryu River, Hanuman Garhi, Ram Janam Bhumi, Kanak Bhawan and Dashrath Mahal. Overnight stay at Ayodhya. After completing sightseeing and darshan, we stayed overnight at Ayodhya.
After breakfast at the hotel proceeds for full day sightseeing Ram Ki Paidi, Tulsi Udyan, Tulasi Smarak Bhavan, Naya Ghat, Shri Sita Ram Mandir, Mani Parvat Temple, etc. later back to the hotel, dinner and overnight stay in the hotel.
Checkout from Hotel in Ayodhya post your breakfast and get ready to checkout from hotel in Ayodhya .Ayodhya then drive for Varanasi Railway Station/Airport/Hotel drop.

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