
6Nights & 7 Days
Tour Type
Kerala tour
Group Size
Minimum 4
Tour Guide

Kerala Tour Packages From Delhi (6N/7D) | 2024

Ker­ala Tour Pack­ages From Del­hi (6N/7D) SuY­a­tra offers Ker­ala tour Pack­age at a price of Rs 22500. If you’re look­ing to escape the hus­tle and bus­tle of Del­hi and immerse your­self in the tran­quil­li­ty of nature, then look no fur­ther than our exclu­sive Ker­ala tour pack­age. In just 6 nights and 7 days, you’ll get to expe­ri­ence the best that this pic­turesque des­ti­na­tion has to offer. So, pack your bags, leave behind the chaos of city life, and get ready for an unfor­get­table jour­ney through the exot­ic land­scapes of Ker­ala!

Ker­ala is known for its lush green land­scapes, coconut palm-fringed beach­es, and tran­quil back­wa­ters. The beau­ty of the back­wa­ters can be best expe­ri­enced through a house­boat ride, where you can cruise along the peace­ful water­ways and wit­ness breath-tak­ing views of sur­round­ing vil­lages and pad­dy fields.

In addi­tion to its scenic charm, Ker­ala also boasts a rich his­to­ry and cul­ture. Explor­ing the cities of Kochi and Munnar will take you on a jour­ney through time as you vis­it his­tor­i­cal sites such as Fort Kochi and Mat­tancher­ry Palace. Immerse your­self in the vibrant local cul­ture by watch­ing tra­di­tion­al Kathakali dance per­for­mances or vis­it­ing spice plan­ta­tions in Munnar.

No trip to Ker­ala is com­plete with­out spend­ing some time at its beau­ti­ful beach­es. Kovalam Beach offers pris­tine shores lined with sway­ing palm trees – per­fect for relax­ing under the warm sun or tak­ing a dip in crys­tal-clear waters. Don’t miss out on wit­ness­ing mes­mer­iz­ing sun­sets that paint the sky with hues of orange and pink. To tru­ly expe­ri­ence Ker­ala’s essence, indulge your taste buds in authen­tic Ker­ala cui­sine. From deli­cious seafood dish­es like Karimeen Pol­lichathu (spicy grilled fish) to mouth-water­ing veg­e­tar­i­an spe­cial­ties like Put­tu (steamed rice cake), every bite tells a sto­ry of tra­di­tion passed down through gen­er­a­tions.

Kerala Tour Packages From Delhi (6N/7D)

One of the high­lights of a Ker­ala tour pack­age from Del­hi is the oppor­tu­ni­ty to explore the serene back­wa­ters through a leisure­ly house­boat ride. The back­wa­ters are a net­work of canals, lakes, and lagoons that stretch along the coast of Ker­ala, cre­at­ing an enchant­i­ng land­scape that is per­fect for relax­ation and reju­ve­na­tion.

Kochi and Munnar, two pic­turesque des­ti­na­tions in Ker­ala, are not only known for their nat­ur­al
beau­ty but also for their rich his­tor­i­cal and cul­tur­al sites. In Kochi, you can explore the icon­ic Chi­nese
Fish­ing Nets, a unique fish­ing tech­nique intro­duced by Chi­nese traders cen­turies ago. These mas­sive
nets are a sight to behold as they sway grace­ful­ly against the back­drop of the Ara­bi­an Sea.

Cost Per Per­son Rs Rs 28,500
Note: The cost­ing is for Indi­an Nation­als only. The above prices are not applic­a­ble for long
week­ends, fes­ti­val dates, Christ­mas and New Year Hol­i­days.

  • Min­i­mum 4 per­sons are required to book this tour

Note:- 50% advance pay­ment for book­ing  50% remain­ing bal­ance pay on arrival (before reach hotel)

  • Men­tioned prices may vary depend­ing upon date of trav­el, hotel avail­abil­i­ty, surge pric­ing and sea­son­al rush
    Can­cel­la­tion Pol­i­cy: –
  •  No refund if tour can­celled due to bad weath­er con­di­tion or things which are not in our hand.
  • 50% refund if you would like to can­cel your tour 1 month before start­ing date.

Hotels Name


Loca­tion Hotel/Houseboat Name
AMunnar Bel­la Vista Resort/Similar
Thekkady Spice Inn/Similar
Alleppey Deluxe Houseboats/Similar
Kovalam Hotel Jas­mine Palace/Similar


  • Stay in Deluxe house­boats and palace
  • 02 Nights at Munnar
  •  01 Night at Thekkady
  •  01 Night at Alleppey
  •  02 Nights at Kovalam
  •  Dai­ly break­fast
  •  House­boats Pick­up and drop off
  •  English/Hindi speak­ing friend­ly dri­ver cum guide
  •  Trans­fers & Sight­see­ing
  • Road tax­es
  •  Park­ing fee
  •  Fuel charges
  •  Inter­state tax­es.


  • Gov­ern­ment ser­vice tax
  •  Air Tickets/Train Tick­ets not include
  •  Expens­es of per­son­al nature
  • Laun­dry
  •  Tele­phone and fax charges
  •  Alco­holic bev­er­ages
  •  Fee at mon­u­ments
  •  Med­ical expens­es
  •  Air­port depar­ture tax
  •  Sight­see­ing places
  •  Cost change in the itin­er­ary
  •  Flight can­cel due to bad weath­er
  •  Health issues
  •  Fac­tors beyond con­trol
  •  Any­thing that is not men­tioned in inclu­sions.

If the pas­sen­gers have any com­plaints regard­ing our ser­vices like hotels and trans­port are advised to inform imme­di­ate­ly at +91 9599330053 / 9599330054 so that the same be read­dressed on the spot.


  • If Air Tick­ets has been booked by us 100% of the tick­et amount will be deduct­ed if the fare is non-refund­able.
  •  With­in 60 Days pri­or to arrival date of the tour packages/Hotel /Transportation: 25% Reten­tion of the Tour Cost.
  • With­in 15 Days pri­or to arrival date of the tour packages/Hotel /Transportation: 50% Reten­tion of the Tour Cost.
  •  With­in 7 Days pri­or to arrival date of the tour packages/Hotel /Transportation: 100% Reten­tion of the Tour Cost.


Tour Itinerary

Kerala Tour Package from Delhi 6N/7D

When you arrive at Munnar, you will be received by our travel representative and brought to Munnar crossing a very picturesque route. We will be passing through the stunning attraction of Cheeyappara, Valera, and Kallar waterfalls. You can capture some pictures in Karadippara. Check into your hotel when you arrive. The first day is a leisure day according to the Kerala honeymoon tour package. So, you can rest for a while then have fun by touring around the beautiful hill station. In the end, return back to your hotel and have a restful sleep.
Starting your day with appetizing breakfast, make your first visit to the Eravikulam national park. Nilgiri Tahr, an endangered species, is found there in the grassy hills of the national park. You will be touring on a park bus while you can sink deep into the natural beauty around you. After that, you will visit the tea museum by Tata tea where you can learn about tea processing and taste a cup of energizing tea. You will now take visits to Rose Garden, Photo Point, Elephant Arrival Point, and Echo Point. You will also be taken to the Indo Swiss Project. At the end of all activities, return back to the hotel and have a sound sleep.
After having your delectable breakfast, check-out from the hotel and leave for Thekkady. On the way from Munnar to Thekkady, you will experience the sight of limitless beautiful nature. When you arrive at Thekkady, check-in to your hotel and relax for a bit. Then, get boosted up for the adventurous jeep safari in Periyar national park. You will get to observe a variety of flora and fauna in Periyar Wildlife Sanctuary in Thekkady honeymoon tour. Also, visit Periyar Lake which has heavy forests surrounded on it. You would also love to engage in boating activities on such a beautiful lake. Return back to your hotel after the wonderful day and sleep peacefully. You can engage in bamboo rafting (optional).
Have a nice breakfast and checkout from the hotel. Now it is time for you to head towards Alleppey. Upon arrival, check in into the houseboat and take rest. Have a delightful lunch, then enjoy cruising the backwaters of Alleppey on the houseboat through lakes and canals. After cruising, feel fresh with a toothsome dinner and go to a soothing sleep.
Start your day with a filling breakfast and check out from the hotel to leave for Kovalam, a city of vintage castles and flawless beaches. Check in into the hotel after arriving there, and go to your room to relax. You can stay in your room or explore the beautiful city as it is a leisure day. Return back to your room and have a sound sleep.
After having your delicious breakfast, go out of the hotel and proceed to Lighthouse Beach, Hawah Beach and Samudra Beach and watch the sunset and make the evening beautiful with your partner. When you’re done, return back to the hotel and enjoy your sleep.
Enjoy a refreshing breakfast on the last day of your tour. Carry on your checkout formalities, then you will be transferred to the airport safely. Tour End

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