
4Days / 3Night
Tour Type
Dwarka Somnath
Group Size
4 Person
Tour Guide
1 Mentor

5 Devi Darshan Tour Package in Himachal (3N/4D) | 2024

5 Devi Darshan Tour Package in Himachal (3N/4D)

5 DEVI DARSHAN TOUR PACKAGE IN HIMACHAL (3N/4D)-Welcome to the divine land of Himachal Pradesh, where spir­i­tu­al­i­ty and nat­ur­al beau­ty inter­twine in per­fect har­mo­ny. If you are seek­ing a unique spir­i­tu­al expe­ri­ence amidst breath- tak­ing land­scapes, then the 5 Devi Dar­shan Tour Pack­age is tai­lor-made for you. Embark on a soul-stir­ring jour­ney that takes you through five revered Devi tem­ples ex-Chandi­garh: Chint­purni, Jwala Ji, Bra­jesh­wari Devi, Chamun­da Devi, and Naina Devi. Each tem­ple holds its own sig­nif­i­cance and his­to­ry deeply root­ed in ancient mythol­o­gy.

5 Devi Darshan Tour Package in Himachal EX-CHANDIGARH

Chint­purni Tem­ple, locat­ed in Una dis­trict, is ded­i­cat­ed to Mata Chint­purni Devi. Leg­end has it that the God­dess grants wish­es and relieves her devo­tees from their trou­bles. The tem­ple attracts thou­sands of pil­grims who seek bless­ings for hap­pi­ness and pros­per­i­ty.
Jwala Ji Tem­ple, sit­u­at­ed in Kan­gra dis­trict, is famous for its eter­nal flame that burns with­out any fuel or assis­tance. It is believed to be a man­i­fes­ta­tion of God­dess Dur­ga’s pow­er. The tem­ple com­plex hous­es nine flames rep­re­sent­ing the dif­fer­ent forms of God­dess Dur­ga. Bra­jesh­wari Devi Tem­ple in Kan­gra town hon­ors God­dess Bra­jesh­wari, anoth­er form of Ma Shak­ti. This ancient shrine stands as a sym­bol of devo­tion and faith among devo­tees who come here seek­ing solace and spir­i­tu­al enlight­en­ment.

Chamun­da Devi Tem­ple, nes­tled amidst pic­turesque sur­round­ings near Dharamsha­la, pays homage to Maa Chamun­da Devi – the fierce incar­na­tion of Ma Kali. With its tran­quil atmos­phere and awe-inspir­ing views, this sacred spot offers a per­fect blend of spir­i­tu­al­i­ty and nat­ur­al beau­ty.

5 Devi Darshan Tour Package in Himachal EX-CHANDIGARH

Naina Devi Tem­ple in Bilaspur dis­trict is perched atop the Naina Hills over­look­ing the Gob­ind Sagar Lake. Ded­i­cat­ed to Mata Naina Devi — an embod­i­ment of divine strength – this tem­ple holds immense sig­nif­i­cance among devo­tees who believe that pray­ing here ful­fils their desires.

Embark­ing on this unique pil­grim­age tour not only allows you to explore these mag­nif­i­cent tem­ples but also pro­vides an oppor­tu­ni­ty for self-reflec­tion and inner peace amidst nature’s splen­dour. So pack your bags, ignite your spir­i­tu­al fer­vour, and embark on an enchant­i­ng jour­ney through Himachal Pradesh with the 5 Devi Dar­shan Tour Pack­age!




  • Hotel accom­mo­da­tion Double/Triple/Four Bed as per pack­age same or sim­i­lar hotels.
  •  Break­fast + Din­ner.
  •  Trans­fers and sight­see­ing as pre-pack­age car.
  •  All toll tax, park­ing, fuel and dri­ver allowances.
  •  All applic­a­ble hotel and trans­port tax­es.
  • Pick up & drop.
  •  All toll tax, park­ing, fuel and dri­ver allowances
  •  All applic­a­ble hotel and trans­port tax­es


  • Any­thing not men­tioned under ‘Pack­age Inclu­sions’
  • GST @5%
  • Lunch does not include in Pack­age.
  • All per­son­al expens­es, option­al tours and extra meals.
  •  Med­ical and trav­el insur­ance.
  •  Any kind of entry fees any­where if not men­tioned in includ­ing


Tour Itinerary

Day 1 : Chandigarh – Chintpurni – Jwala Ji Arrival at Chandigarh, Meet our representative and transfer to visit Chintpurni devi darshan. After darshan transfer to visit jwala ji devi darshan. check in the hotel and Overnight stay at jwala ji.
Early in the morning after participate morning arti at Jwala ji Mandir, transfer to visit brajeshwari devi temple and after darshan later transfer to Chamunda Devi. On arrival at Chamunda Devi, Check-in the hotel & Overnight stay at the hotel.
The next morning after join the morning arti at Chamunda Devi temple, transfer to Naina Devi Temple to visit. On arrival at Naina Devi Temple get pooja & darshan, also participate evening arti at Naina Devi Temple and Overnight stay.
Greet the early morning sun and after having breakfast, check out from the hotel and transfer to Chandigarh for drop at Railway Station/Airport/Hotel for onward journey.

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