
Luxury Chardham Yatra

Lux­u­ry Chard­ham Yatra Pack­age — offers an extrav­a­gant expe­ri­ence. With a start­ing price of Rs 45,000 per per­son, pack­ages include lux­u­ry trans­port and accom­mo­da­tions( Lux­u­ry Hotels or Resorts) for a seam­less blend of com­fort and spir­i­tu­al­i­ty. Our pre­mi­um ser­vices fea­ture top-class hotels with excep­tion­al hos­pi­tal­i­ty. Each Lux­u­ry Chard­ham Yatra Pack­ages pro­vides ample stay and com­plete pil­grim­age expe­ri­ence, along with activ­i­ties like sight­see­ing and trekking. We take care of all nec­es­sary arrange­ments, includ­ing trans­porta­tion, meals, and lodg­ing. The team assists and guides in plan­ning an unfor­get­table jour­ney to the holy Chard­ham from var­i­ous cities across India. Addi­tion­al­ly, offer Lux­u­ry Chard­ham pack­ages start­ing from spe­cif­ic loca­tions, such as Mum­bai, Kolkata, Hyder­abad, and oth­er major cities for the Chard­ham Yatra.

Meet our dri­ver at Harid­war Rail­way Station/Dehradun Airport/Hotel/Home and trans­fer to Barkot via Mus­soorie, Enroute vis­it Kemp­ty Fall in Mus­soorie. Lat­er dri­ve towards Barkot. On arrival at Barkot check-in the hotel and Overnight stay at Barkot. (Route not fixed)

Ear­ly morn­ing after break­fast (packed break­fast), dri­ve to Jankichatti/Phoolchatti  & start trek from here to Yamunotri (6kms) (Either by walk or by horse or by Doli at own cost). After tak­ing bath in Jamunabai Kund & warm water and hav­ing “Dar­shan” of “Yamu­na­ji” return to Jan­kichat­ti by trek. Lat­er dri­ve towards Barkot, Overnight stay at Barkot.

Morn­ing after break­fast, dri­ve to Uttarkashi. Check into the hotel arrival in Uttarkashi. After refresh you will vis­it Kashi Vish­wanath Tem­ple in Uttarkashi, lat­er back dri­ve to hotel and overnight stay at Uttarkashi.

Ear­ly morn­ing (packed break­fast) dri­ve to Gan­gotri, Enroute at Gang Nani take a holy dip in GaramKund, fur­ther dri­ve to Gan­gotri via beau­ti­ful Har­sil Val­ley. Har­sil is famous for its nature beau­ty and for the majes­tic views of the Deo­dar trees and moun­tains. On arrival at Shree Gan­gotri, take a holy dip in the sacred riv­er Ganges which is also called Bha­gi­rathi at its ori­gin. Per­form Poo­ja and Dar­shan, after that relax for some time in the love­ly sur­round­ings. Lat­er dri­ve back to Uttarkashi. Overnight stay at Uttarkashi.

Morn­ing after break­fast, dri­ve to Gup­takashi via Mool­garh & Lam­b­gaon. Enroute you can see the beau­ti­ful riv­er Man­daki­ni at Tilwara. The Man­daki­ni riv­er comes from Kedar­nath, dri­ve along­side the riv­er to reach Gup­takashi, vis­it Ardh Naresh­war Tem­ple in Gup­takashi. Check into the hotel arrival in Guptakashi/Phata. Overnight stay at Guptakashi/Phata.

Morn­ing after break­fast dri­ve to Gau­rikund, start your trek from Gau­rikund to Kedar­nath (by Pony / Doli / Heli­copter at your own cost). Vis­it Kedar­nath Tem­ple. After tem­ple Dar­shan Overnight stay at Kedar­nath.

Next day Ear­ly morn­ing take poo­ja at Kedar­nath Tem­ple and trek down to Son­prayag and meet our dri­ver and vis­it to Guptkashi/Phata. On arrival check into hotel and Overnight Stay at Guptkashi/Phata/Sitapur.

Morn­ing after break­fast, dri­ve to Badri­nath via Chop­ta, Ukhi­math (routes is not fixed). Enroute vis­it Nars­ingh Tem­ple in Joshi­math after dar­sharn Dri­ve to Badri­nath. On arrival in Badri­nath check in to the hotel Overnight stay at Hotel.

In the Ear­ly Morn­ing, vis­it in Badri­nath Pil­grims after hav­ing a bath in the Tapt Kund have the Dar­shan of Badriv­ishal & Aar­ti in evening. Bra­hamaka­pal is sig­nif­i­cant for Pinddan Shrad­dh of ances­tors (Pitrus). There are oth­er inter­est­ing sight­see­ing spot like, Mana Vil­lage, Vyas Gufa, Maata­moor­ti, Cha­ran­padu­ka, Bhimkund and the “Mukh” of the Saraswati Riv­er. Just with­in the three kms of Badri­nath­jee. After Poo­ja & Dar­shan come back to Joshimath/Karanprayag, check into the hotel and Overnight stay at Hotel in Rudraprayag/Karanprayag.

Last day in the morn­ing after break­fast, Trans­fer to Rishikesh, Rudraprayag, Dhari Devi Tem­ple and Devprayag. Enroute vis­it Rudraprayag (Sangam of Alak­nan­da and Mandakini),Devprayag (Sangam of Alak­nan­da and Bha­gi­rathi) and in the last vis­it Rishikesh (Ram Jhu­la and Lax­man Jhu­la). Final­ly Reach Harid­war and drop your loca­tion like rail­way station/Hotel/Home.

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