
10 Nights / 11 days
Tour Type
Kailash Mansarova
Group Size
4 person
Tour Guide
1 Mentor

Luxury Kailash Mansarovar From Kathmandu (10N/11D) 2025

Lux­u­ry Kailash Mansarovar From Kath­man­du (10N/11D) is a spir­i­tu­al jour­ney to the holy Mount Kailash and Lake Mansarovar in Tibet. This yatra is con­sid­ered one of the most sacred pil­grim­ages in Hin­duism, Bud­dhism, Jain­ism, and Bon reli­gions.

Our Lux­u­ry Kailash Mansarovar Yatra pack­ages starts from Rs 250000 Per Per­son for Indi­an Pass­port hold­ers. For NRI is start­ing from USD 3700 per Per­son.

Embark­ing on a pil­grim­age to Kailash Mansarovar is more than just a jour­ney. It’s an expe­di­tion of the soul, a quest for spir­i­tu­al awak­en­ing, and an oppor­tu­ni­ty to con­nect with divine forces. Nes­tled amidst the majes­tic Himalayas, this sacred site holds immense sig­nif­i­cance for Hin­dus, Bud­dhists, Jains, and Bon fol­low­ers alike.

Imag­ine stand­ing at the foot of Mount Kailash, gaz­ing up at its snow-capped peak as pris­tine waters of Lake Mansarovar shim­mer near­by. The tran­quil­li­ty envelops you as you delve into ancient leg­ends and mys­ti­cal tales that have been whis­pered through cen­turies. Join us on this extra­or­di­nary adven­ture from Kath­man­du to Kailash Mansarovar Yatra – 10 Nights, 11 Days – where we unrav­el the secrets hid­den with­in these hal­lowed grounds. Let your spir­it soar as we take you through every step of this enchant­i­ng jour­ney filled with awe-inspir­ing land­scapes and pro­found expe­ri­ences. Buck­le up for an odyssey like no oth­er!

Luxury Kailash Mansarovar Yatra from Kathmandu – 10 Nights 11 Days

The jour­ney from Kath­man­du to Kailash Mansarovar is a mes­mer­iz­ing expe­ri­ence that takes you through breath-tak­ing land­scapes and sacred sites. Start­ing from the cap­i­tal city of Nepal, you will trav­el towards the north west­ern region along the Friend­ship High­way. This route offers spec­tac­u­lar views of snow-capped moun­tains, serene val­leys, and pic­turesque vil­lages.

As you leave behind the bustling streets of Kath­man­du, you will enter the scenic Lang­tang Nation­al Park. The park is known for its diverse flo­ra and fau­na, mak­ing it a per­fect spot for nature enthu­si­asts. Con­tin­u­ing your jour­ney, you will pass through beau­ti­ful towns like Syabrube­si and Rasuwa­gad­hi before reach­ing Kyirong in Tibet.

From Kyirong, the road leads to Saga where pil­grims usu­al­ly take a break to accli­ma­tize them­selves to high alti­tude con­di­tions. From there, your path takes you through stun­ning land­scapes dot­ted with nomadic set­tle­ments and graz­ing yaks. As you approach Lake­Mansarovar, be pre­pared to be awe-struck by its crys­tal-clear waters sur­round­ed by majes­tic moun­tains.

After spend­ing time at Mansarovar Lake for spir­i­tu­al purifi­ca­tion rit­u­als and prayers, your next des­ti­na­tion is Mount Kailash itself—an icon­ic peak revered by Hin­dus as Lord Shiv­a’s abode. The trek around this sacred moun­tain is con­sid­ered one of the most chal­leng­ing parts of the Yatra but also one filled with immense spir­i­tu­al sig­nif­i­cance.

Final­ly reach­ing back to Kath­man­du after com­plet­ing this extra­or­di­nary pil­grim­age leaves pil­grims with a pro­found sense of ful­fil­ment and inner peace. The entire jour­ney typ­i­cal­ly spans over 10 nights and 11 days but can vary depend­ing on var­i­ous fac­tors such as weath­er con­di­tions and indi­vid­ual pref­er­ences.

Embark­ing on this holy expe­di­tion requires deter­mi­na­tion, phys­i­cal fit­ness, men­tal strength, and prepa­ra­tion for poten­tial chal­lenges like high alti­tudes, sud­den weath­er changes, and dif­fi­cult ter­rains.

The rewards are immea­sur­able though—connecting with divine ener­gy, receiv­ing bless­ings, and expe­ri­enc­ing per­son­al trans­for­ma­tion.

So, get ready to embark on this sacred jour­ney from Kath­man­du to Kailash Mansarovar



The first chal­lenge one may encounter dur­ing the yatra is the high alti­tude. The route takes you through treach­er­ous ter­rains and lofty moun­tain pass­es, reach­ing ele­va­tions of over 5,000 meters above sea lev­el. Alti­tude sick­ness can affect even the fittest indi­vid­u­als, so acclima­ti­za­tion becomes cru­cial. It is rec­om­mend­ed to spend a few days in Nepalese towns like Dhunche or Syabrube­si before start­ing your trek towards the holy moun­tain.

Anoth­er chal­lenge lies in phys­i­cal endurance. The yatra demands strength and sta­mi­na as you tra­verse rugged land­scapes for sev­er­al days at a stretch. Walk­ing long dis­tances on uneven ter­rain can be stren­u­ous, espe­cial­ly for those not accus­tomed to such activ­i­ties. Prop­er prepa­ra­tion with reg­u­lar exer­cise and train­ing ses­sions will help build endurance required for this ardu­ous pil­grim­age.

Weath­er con­di­tions are also unpre­dictable along this route. Heavy rain­fall or snow­fall can cre­ate obsta­cles dur­ing cer­tain months of the year when under­tak­ing the yatra becomes extreme­ly chal­leng­ing or even impos­si­ble due to dan­ger­ous road con­di­tions or blocked trails.

Despite these hur­dles faced dur­ing Kailash Mansarovar Yatra from Kath­man­du – 10 Nights 11 Days, the rewards of this pil­grim­age far sur­pass any dif­fi­cul­ties encoun­tered along the way.


  •  Dar­shan of Mount Kailash
  • Holy Dip in the Mansarovar lake
  •  Holy Lake Mansarovar parikra­ma (Cir­cuit) by bus
  •  Attend all spir­i­tu­al rit­u­als at Holy Mansarovar Lake
  •  Cir­cum­am­bu­la­tion of Mt. Kailash.
  •  Dar­shan of Gau­ri Kund
  •  Full Parikra­ma of Holy mount Kailash cov­ered in three Days



  •  Visa
  •  Kailash Yatra Per­mit
  •  Meals (Break­fast, Lunch and Din­ner)
  •  Trans­porta­tion (Flight, Heli­copter & Bus) dur­ing the entire trip as men­tioned in
    the itin­er­ary)
  •  Hin­di Speak­ing Nepali Tour Guide, Eng­lish Speak­ing Chi­nese Tour Guide, Tour
    Man­ag­er, Sherpa’s, Cooks
  •  Oxy­gen Cylin­der for Emer­gency med­ical use
  •  Holy Lake Mansarovar par kar­ma (Cir­cuit) by dri­ve


Price Excludes

  • Any Per­son­al Expens­es
  •  5% GST & 5% TCS Tax as per Income tax guide­lines
  •  Trav­el Expense from Place of Home to Luc­know Air­port
  •  Porter Charges
  •  Insur­ance
  •  Med­ical Expens­es
  •  Tip to Any Crew Mem­ber
    Any Evac­u­a­tion res­cue / Addi­tion­al Charges /Loss due to nat­ur­al calami­ty or any unavoid­able cir­cum­stances
  •  Stay­ing for extra nights due to bad weather/ Flight Can­cel­la­tion or any oth­er rea­son
  •  Horse rid­ing charges dur­ing parikra­ma
  •  VISA split­ting charge and trans­porta­tion cost, if return­ing ear­ly from Tibet Any kind of extra bag­gage charges in Flight / Heli­copter dur­ing Yatra.
  •  Any­thing not includ­ed in the list of inclu­sions


  • Back­pack
  •  Duf­fle Bag
  •  T‑Shirt
  •  Puja Kit
  • Lug­gage Tag
  •  Jack­et (Return­able)

Kailash Mansarovar Yatra Cost

10 Nights 11 Days by Heli­copter via Kath­man­du
Kailash Pack­age Cost/Person

Total Cost of Pack­age (Indi­an Pass­port Hold­er) Rs. 2, 50,000
Ear­ly Book­ing Rate Rs. 2, 45,000
Book­ing Amount Rs. 65,000

Total Cost of Pack­age
(Non-Indi­an Pass­port Hold­er) USD 3700
Ear­ly Book­ing Rate USD 3600
Book­ing Amount USD 450


Luxury Kailash Mansarovar From Kathmandu (10N/11D)


Heli­copter tour date: 2024 Ex- Kath­man­du..
May: 19th — 24nd – 27th – 29th
19st May full moon arrive Kath­man­du (23rd May full
moon at Man­asarovar)
June: 3rd — 6th – 10th – 14th ‑17th–– 24th
17th June full moon arrive
Kath­man­du (21st June full moon at Mansarovar)
July: 3rd – 10th 18th ‑22nd
18th July Full moon arrive Luc­know( 21st July full moon at Man­asarovar )
August: 8 th ‑16 th –20 th – 24 th – 28 th

16 th August full moon arrive Luc­know ( 19th full moon at Man­asarovar )

Sep­tem­ber: 3rd –6th — 8th 14th
14 th Sep­tem­ber full moon arrive Luc­know 17th full moon at Man­asarovar )
This is Last date of trip



Tour Itinerary

Route Plan Kathmandu (1N) – Nepalgunj (1N) – Simikot or Hilsa (1N) – Purang (1N) Lake-Mansarovar (1N) – Darchen (1N) – Mount Kailash (2N) – Simikot (1N) – Kathmandu-(1N) via Nepalganj

Arrival at Kathmandu Airport and received by our representative for Hotel transfer. Visit Pashupatinath Temple and Jal Narayan Mandir (Sleeping Vishnu) to start the journey with blessings of Pashupatinath. Overnight stay in Kathmandu.
Post breakfast fly to Nepalgunj. Received by our representative in Nepalgunj and check-in hotel. In the evening our Kailash Yatra experts will give you detail information about the journey.
Wake up early in the morning and board on flight to Simikot. After 40 minutes of fly, reach to Simikot which is at an altitude of 2800m, and take rest for some time then take a 20 min Helicopter ride to the Hilsa border. Overnight Stay in Guest House.Simikot and Hilsa are at High Altitude so a 1-night stay will be better for Acclimatization.
After Immigration, drive to Purang and Take rest in the Hotel Purang for acclimatization because it is located in high altitude and walking is recommended today. You can go for a walk in the local market of Purang and see the culture of Tibet. Purang is a small town where you can go for shopping items such as fruits, trekking sticks, water gallon for keeping Mansarovar holy water, oxygen cylinder, packed juice, chocolates, gloves, and many other things. Overnight stay in Purang.
Post breakfast drive towards Mansarovar Lake by Volvo category AC bus. On the way to Mansarovar, we will make a stop at Rakshas Tal Lake from where you can see Mount Kailash. Proceed to Mansarovar Lake and complete the parikrama of Mansarovar which is 105 km. admire the Beauty of Mansarovar and see Kailash just next to the Holy Lake. You can visit Mansarovar Lake in BrahmMuhurt. Overnight stay at Guest House near Mansarovar Lake.
Spend some time near Mansarovar Lake in the morning. Take holy bath, perform Puja and meditation. Transfer to Darchen which is the base camp for Kailash Parikrama. Take rest and prepare yourself for Kailash Parikrama. Overnight stay in Hotel Himalaya or Similar.
After breakfast, commence your parikrama by driving to Yamdwar. After this, you’ll trek for 10 km towards Dirapuk to witness the auspicious North face of Kailash. Overnight stay will be at Dirapuk. ## Parikrama is optional and Horse is also available for the parikrama. Those people who are not able to do parikrama or do not want to go for parikrama due to any reason can return to Darchen from Yamdwar and stay in Guest House for 2 nights. Mount Kailash is visible from Darchen so you can the mountain and pray.
This will be the most challenging part of the parikrama. After early breakfast, you’ll have to trek for 22kms to Dolma-La Pass and pass through Gauri Kund and then to Zuthulpuk. After the trek along the river, overnight stay will be in Guest House at Zuthulpuk. The first 6 km of Parikrama of the 2nd day is the most difficult part of the parikrama. The climb is steep and difficult till Dolma La Pass (18,600 ft), the rest of the 16 km is downwards and comparatively easy trek. Highlights: - This day in Parikrama you will pass through Gauri Kund, Shivasthal (Tibetans believe this place as sacred), East face of Mount Kailash.
Post breakfast, we will complete the remaining 8 km of the parikrama in approximately3 hours. After completing the divine parikrama you shall drive to Hilsa Border by AC Coach and exit from China. Return by a helicopter ride to Simikot. Overnight stay will be in Simikot Guest House.
Take a flight to Nepal Ganj in the morning and Transfer to Kathmandu by Flight. Overnight stay in the Hotel.
Enjoy the breakfast and checkout. Return to your home with blessings of Mahadev.!! Tour End

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