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Holidays Packages in India

Wel­come to the incred­i­ble land of India, a coun­try that cap­ti­vates trav­ellers with its diverse cul­ture, breath-tak­ing land­scapes, and rich her­itage. If you are look­ing for a hol­i­day des­ti­na­tion that offers some­thing for every­one, then look no fur­ther than India. From serene beach­es to majes­tic moun­tains and every­thing in between, this colour­ful nation has it all.


Nes­tled in the foothills of the Himalayas, Rishikesh is a spir­i­tu­al haven that attracts pil­grims and adven­ture seek­ers alike. Known as the “Yoga Cap­i­tal of the World,” this vibrant city offers a blend of tran­quil­li­ty and excite­ment. The sacred Ganges Riv­er flows through Rishikesh, adding to its serene atmos­phere. Take a dip in its holy waters or wit­ness an evening Aar­ti cer­e­mo­ny at Triveni Ghat, where hun­dreds gath­er to pay their respects. The sound of bells and chants fills the air, cre­at­ing an ethe­re­al expe­ri­ence.

Golden Triangle

The Gold­en Tri­an­gle is one of the most pop­u­lar tourist cir­cuits in India. It com­pris­es three cities — Del­hi, Agra, and Jaipur. Each city has its own unique charm and offers a dif­fer­ent taste of Indi­an cul­ture and his­to­ry. The Gold­en Tri­an­gle pro­vides an unfor­get­table jour­ney through Indi­a’s rich his­to­ry and cul­tur­al her­itage. Whether you’re explor­ing ancient ruins or indulging in local cui­sine, this cir­cuit promis­es an immer­sive expe­ri­ence that will leave you want­i­ng more!


Ker­ala, often referred to as “God” Own Coun­try,” is a mes­mer­iz­ing des­ti­na­tion that offers a diverse and enchant­i­ng expe­ri­ence for trav­ellers. Locat­ed on the south­west­ern coast of India, Ker­ala boasts an abun­dance of nat­ur­al beau­ty, rich cul­tur­al her­itage, and warm hos­pi­tal­i­ty. One of the high­lights of Ker­ala is its serene back­wa­ters. These inter­con­nect­ed rivers, lakes, and lagoons are best explored on a tra­di­tion­al house­boat called a Ket­tuval­lam. Glid­ing through the tran­quil waters sur­round­ed by lush green­ery is an expe­ri­ence like no oth­er. Anoth­er must-vis­it attrac­tion in Ker­ala is Munnar, a pic­turesque hill sta­tion known for its sprawl­ing tea plan­ta­tions. The mist-cov­ered hills pro­vide breath-tak­ing views at every turn and offer oppor­tu­ni­ties for trekking and wildlife spot­ting.


Kash­mir, often referred to as “Par­adise on Earth,” is a breath-tak­ing des­ti­na­tion that cap­tures the hearts of all who vis­it. Nes­tled in the Himalayan moun­tains, this pic­turesque region boasts snow-capped peaks, lush green val­leys, and serene lakes. The beau­ty of Kash­mir knows no bounds. Kash­mir leaves an indeli­ble mark on any­one for­tu­nate enough to vis­it it—it tru­ly lives up to its nick­name as Par­adise on Earth!

Auli Chopta

Both Auli and Chop­ta pro­vide an oppor­tu­ni­ty to con­nect with nature in its purest form. From leisure­ly walks amidst bloom­ing rhodo­den­drons to thrilling adven­tures like paraglid­ing or camp­ing under star­lit skies, these des­ti­na­tions have some­thing for every­one. So whether you’re seek­ing adren­a­line-pump­ing activ­i­ties or sim­ply want to unwind in serene sur­round­ings, Auli Chop­ta is where your heart will find solace.

Rishikesh with its spir­i­tu­al charm; Gold­en Tri­an­gle show­cas­ing Indi­a’s rich her­itage; Ker­ala’s back­wa­ters and tran­quil beau­ty; Kash­mir’s heav­en­ly land­scapes; and final­ly, Auli Chop­ta’s scenic won­ders – offers unique expe­ri­ences that make them must-vis­it places when plan­ning your next hol­i­day in Incred­i­ble India! Don’t wait any longer! Pack your bags and embark on an unfor­get­table jour­ney through these incred­i­ble hol­i­day pack­ages in India. At Su-Yatra we Pro­vide Dif­fer­ent hol­i­day pack­ages of des­ti­na­tions like ‑Rishikesh, Gold­en Tri­an­gle, Ker­ala, Kash­mir, Auli Chop­ta etc. Each place has its own unique charm and promis­es an unfor­get­table expe­ri­ence. So, pack your bags and get ready for an adven­ture like no oth­er as we explore these enchant­i­ng des­ti­na­tions togeth­er!

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