
There are preparations underway for Shri Amarnath Yatra 2024

Key Guidelines for Preparing Shri Amarnath Yatra

There are prepa­ra­tions under­way for Shri Amar­nath Yatra 2024-This year’s Amar­nath Yatra will be held from June 29th through August 19th, 2024, and is orga­nized by the Amar­nath Shrine Board and the Jam­mu and Kash­mir Admin­is­tra­tion.

In 2024, the Shri Amar­nathji Yatra will begin on 29th June and end on 19th August

The tem­ple shrine board and the Jam­mu and Kash­mir admin­is­tra­tion are work­ing tire­less­ly to ensure that the Shri Amar­nath Yatra 2024 goes smooth­ly and com­fort­ably.

The tem­ple shrine body, along with the J&K admin­is­tra­tion led by the LG office, issued clear instruc­tions to depart­ment heads to ensure that prepa­ra­tions were com­plet­ed with­in the spec­i­fied dead­line. In order to pro­vide the best pos­si­ble ser­vices to pil­grims, the author­i­ties have also instruct­ed all pil­grims to fol­low the reg­is­tra­tion process and guide­lines laid out by the Shri Amar­nath Shrine Board (SASB), as well as to trav­el safe­ly.

Yatris should follow the following guidelines:

There are preparations underway for Shri Amarnath Yatra 2024

In order to embark on the Yatra, every reg­is­tered yatri must col­lect their RFID Card from des­ig­nat­ed loca­tions in Jam­mu or Kash­mir Divi­sion.

1‑For RFID cards col­lec­tion, you must car­ry your Aad­haar details.

2‑To ensure your safe­ty and secu­ri­ty, wear your RFID tag around your neck at all times dur­ing the Yatra.

3‑The tem­per­a­ture may sud­den­ly drop below 5 degrees Cel­sius, so car­ry suf­fi­cient woollen cloth­ing.

4‑Due to the unpre­dictable weath­er in Yatra, it is advis­able to car­ry an umbrel­la, a wind­cheater, a rain­coat, and water­proof shoes.

5‑Make sure your clothes and eat­a­bles are water­proof by plac­ing them in a water­proof bag.

6–Emergency Infor­ma­tion: Keep a note in your pock­et with the name, address, and mobile phone num­ber of any yatri pro­ceed­ing for Dar­shan on the same day as you.

7‑Keep your iden­ti­ty card, dri­ving license, and Yatra per­mit with you at all times.

Yatri don’ts While Preparing for Shri Amarnath Yatra

1‑A reg­is­tered yatri with­out an RFID card shall not be allowed to embark on the Yatra.

2‑High-alti­tude ill­ness symp­toms should not be ignored.

3‑Do not drink alco­hol, smoke, or con­sume caf­feinat­ed bev­er­ages.

4‑Do not stop at places marked with safe­ty notices.

5‑There are steep ris­es and falls on the route to the Holy Cave, so do not wear slip­pers. Only wear trekking shoes with laces.

6‑Do not take any short­cuts on the route as this could be dan­ger­ous.

7‑Environmental Respon­si­bil­i­ty: Do not engage in any activ­i­ty that could pol­lute or dis­turb the envi­ron­ment of the Yatra region.

Sub­mit­ted by : Man­zoor Mir

Relat­ed Amar­nath Yatra Pack­ages-

1-The Amar­nath Yatra Pack­age by Heli­copter



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