
4Days / 3Night
Tour Type
Kainchi Dham
Group Size
4 Person
Tour Guide
1 Mentor

Kainchi Dham Package From Delhi to Nainital (3N/4D) | 2024

Kainchi Dham Pack­age From Del­hi to Naini­tal (3N/4D) Wel­come to the enchant­i­ng world of Kainchi Dham and Naini­tal! Pack­ing start­ing from RS14000. If you’re seek­ing a spir­i­tu­al retreat amidst breath­tak­ing nat­ur­al beau­ty, then this 3N / 4D pack­age from Del­hi is just what you need. Immerse your­self in the divine aura of Kainchi Dham Tem­ple, vis­it the mes­mer­iz­ing hill sta­tion of Naini­tal, and explore the near­by attrac­tions that will leave you awe-inspired. Get ready for an unfor­get­table jour­ney filled with spir­i­tu­al­i­ty, tran­quil­i­ty, and pic­turesque land­scapes. Let’s dive into the details of this incred­i­ble adven­ture!

Kainchi Dham Package From Delhi to Nainital
Kainchi Dham Pack­age From Del­hi to Naini­tal

Kainchi Dham Pack­age From Del­hi to Naini­tal (3N / 4D)

Your adven­ture begins in Del­hi, where you’ll embark on a scenic dri­ve towards Kainchi Dham Tem­ple. Nes­tled amidst lush green­ery and rolling hills, this spir­i­tu­al haven is renowned for its con­nec­tion to Neem Karoli Baba, a revered saint who attract­ed thou­sands of devo­tees from around the world. As you step foot into the tem­ple com­plex, feel your wor­ries melt away as peace envelops every inch of your being.
After seek­ing bless­ings at Kainchi Dham Tem­ple, it’s time to head towards the enchant­i­ng town of Naini­tal. Sur­round­ed by majes­tic moun­tains and nes­tled beside a serene lake, Naini­tal is tru­ly a par­adise for nature lovers. Take leisure­ly walks along Mall Road, explore charm­ing mar­kets filled with local hand­i­crafts and sou­venirs, or sim­ply unwind by tak­ing boat rides on the pic­turesque Nai­ni Lake. Whether you seek solace amidst spir­i­tu­al sur­round­ings or wish to immerse your­self in nature’s
boun­ty, Nani­tal route has it all! Embark on this remark­able jour­ney today and dis­cov­er the per­fect har­mo­ny between divin­i­ty and seren­i­ty!
Dur­ing your three nights & stay in Naini­tal, you will have ample time to explore its enchant­i­ng beau­ty. Take a boat ride on the famous Nai­ni Lake or go for a peace­ful walk along Mall Road while enjoy­ing local del­i­ca­cies. Don’t for­get to vis­it pop­u­lar attrac­tions like Snow View Point, Tif­fin Top, and Eco Cave Gar­dens.
The high­light of this pack­age is undoubt­ed­ly the vis­it to Kainchi Dham Ashram. Sit­u­at­ed amidst lush green forests, this ashram holds immense spir­i­tu­al sig­nif­i­cance as it was found­ed by Neem Karoli Baba — an enlight­ened saint revered by thou­sands around the world. Spend some time med­i­tat­ing in his pres­ence and expe­ri­ence inner peace like nev­er before.
So why wait? Book your Kainchi Dham Yatra Pack­age from Del­hi With Naini­tal – 3N / 4D now and embark on a jour­ney that will reju­ve­nate your mind, body, and soul! As you immerse your­self these nat­ur­al won­ders and sig­nif­i­cant land­marks near Kainchi Dham Yatra Pack­age from Del­hi, you will cre­ate mem­o­ries that last a life­time.


  •  MAPI (Room + Break­fast + Din­ner)
  •  Hotel
  •  Sight­see­ing
  •  Trans­fers
  •  Pri­vate Cab
  •  Accom­mo­da­tion


  •  GST @5%
  • Lunch does not include in Pack­age.
  •  Any­thing not men­tioned under ‘Pack­age Inclu­sions’
  • All per­son­al expens­es, option­al tours and extra meals.
  •  Med­ical and trav­el insur­ance.
  •  Any kind of entry fees any­where if not men­tioned in includ­ing.
  •  Tips, trav­el insur­ance, med­ical insur­ance, laun­dry charges, liquors, min­er­al water, tele­phone charges.
  •  All items of per­son­al nature.

Hotels Name

Bhim­tal Hotel Malang By Baakhei/Similar

Naini­tal Hotel HK Lega­cy /Similar
Bhim­tal Hotel Malang By Baakhei/Similar

Kainchi Dham Yatra COST (Min­i­mum 4 PAX)
Kainchi Dham Yatra Pack­age Cost: INR 14,000/- Per per­son
Note:- 50% advance pay­ment for book­ing  50% remain­ing bal­ance pay on arrival (before reach

  •  Men­tioned prices may vary depend­ing upon date of trav­el, hotel avail­abil­i­ty, surge pric­ing and sea­son­al rush

Can­cel­la­tion Pol­i­cy: –

  •  No refund if tour can­celled due to bad weath­er con­di­tion or things which are not in our hand.
  • 50% refund if you would like to can­cel your tour 1 month before start­ing date.

1. 50% refund if can­celled before 30 days of tour.
2. 25% refund is can­celled before 15 days of tour.
3. 10% refund if can­celled before 7 days of tour.
4. No refund if can­celled in last 7 days of tour.

If the pas­sen­gers have any com­plaints regard­ing our ser­vices like hotels and trans­port are advised to inform imme­di­ate­ly at +91 9599330053 / 9599330054 so that the same be read­dressed on the spot.


Tour Itinerary

Meet our driver at Delhi Railway Station/Hotel/Home and transfer to Nainital. On arrival at Nainital, check-in the hotel & Overnight stay at Nainital
After breakfast, head to the Nainital Lake, one of the most popular tourist spots in the area. Enjoy a boat ride or go for a walk around the lake. In the afternoon, visit the Tiffin Top, also known as Dorothy’s Seat, which offers stunning views of the surrounding mountains and valleys. Return to your hotel in the evening and relax.
Early morning after breakfast (packed breakfast), drive to Kainchi Dham After darshan visit take a boat ride at Bhimtal Lake you can also visit Saat tal and Naukuchiya tal. Later drive to Hotel, Overnight stay at Bhimtal.
After breakfast and check out from hotel, Transfer to Delhi Railway Station/Airport, it’s time to say good bye to Kainchi Dham with a promise to come back again! Tour End

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