
3Days / 2 Nights
Tour Type
Do Dham
Group Size
Tour Guide
1 Mentor

Do Dham Yatra by Helicopter (2N/3D) | Su-Yatra 2024

Do Dham Yatra by Helicopter(2N/3D)-Embarking on a spir­i­tu­al jour­ney to the sacred Dhams is an expe­ri­ence of a life­time. And what bet­ter way to make this pil­grim­age than through a heli­copter ride, offer­ing breath-tak­ing views and sav­ing you time?

Among the var­i­ous options avail­able, there are two promi­nent Dham Yatra des­ti­na­tions that stand out – Kedar­nath and Badri­nath. These holy sites hold immense sig­nif­i­cance in Hin­du mythol­o­gy and attract thou­sands of devo­tees each year.

Kedar­nath, nes­tled amidst snow-cov­ered peaks, is ded­i­cat­ed to Lord Shi­va. The jour­ney begins from Pha­ta or Gup­tkashi and takes you direct­ly to Kedar­nath Tem­ple. The aer­i­al view of the majes­tic Himalayas as you approach the tem­ple is awe-inspir­ing.

Badri­nath, sit­u­at­ed along the banks of Riv­er Alak­nan­da, is ded­i­cat­ed to Lord Vish­nu. Start­ing from Dehradun or Sahastrad­hara heli­pads, you will wit­ness stun­ning vis­tas as you fly over lush green val­leys and snow-clad moun­tains before reach­ing Badri­nath Tem­ple.

Both these heli­copter yatras offer con­ve­nience and com­fort while ensur­ing that your spir­i­tu­al aspi­ra­tions are ful­filled. You can com­plete these jour­neys in just one day instead of sev­er­al days required for tra­di­tion­al trav­el meth­ods.
So why wait? Book your heli­copter Dham Yatra now and embark on a divine adven­ture filled with seren­i­ty and tran­quil­li­ty amidst nature’s beau­ty!

                                                                            Do Dham Yatra

Pack­ages Type of Book­ing Rates
Do Dham Yatra Heli-Tour Seat Basis ₹ 1,30,000 Per Pax


DEHRADUN: Keys Pri­ma by Lemon Tree, or sim­i­lar (MAP basis – Din­ner & Break­fast).
SERSI: Ghughuti Resort, or sim­i­lar (AP basis — all meals)
BADRINATH: Hotel Snow crest, or sim­i­lar (AP basis — all meals)
- Hotels are sub­ject to sud­den change.
— Rooms are booked on dou­ble or triple shar­ing basis only.
— For a sep­a­rate sin­gle occu­pan­cy room, it will be extra charge­able @ INR 30,000/person (tax inclu­sive).
— Hotels at both the Dhams are non-star cat­e­go­ry. How­ev­er, we have care­ful­ly select­ed the most com­fort­able prop­er­ties for our Heli-tours.


  • We accept pay­ments via bank trans­fers, cheques, UPI.
  •  The book­ing is to be done in advance with a deposit of 50% of the total amount. Bal­ance pay­ment will be tak­en 15 days pri­or to the date of arrival at Dehradun.
  •  Pas­sen­gers will not be per­mit­ted to board or com­mence the tour, unless full & final pay­ment of the tour has been done.
  •  Pay­ments via credit/debit card machine will incur 2% extra charges.


  •  If pas­sen­gers can­cel their book­ing, fol­low­ing can­cel­la­tion charges will be applic­a­ble -
  •  More than 15 days pri­or to trav­el date: 30% of total tour cost.
  •  Between 08 to 15 days pri­or to trav­el date: 50% of total tour cost.
  •  07 or less days pri­or to trav­el date: No Refund.
  •  No show: No Refund.
  • After com­mence­ment of tour: No Refund.


Tour Itinerary

Day 0: Arrival Dehradun This is the reporting day at Dehradun, which is our main base (starting & ending point) for the Heli-tour. Himalayan Heli arranges this extra night halt for the passengers with dinner and breakfast, to wind down and be fully ready for the journey ahead. Passengers must reach Dehradun in the afternoon. In the evening, there will be a Tour Briefing by our Dehradun team, which will be conducted at 19:00 Hrs. Duffel bags will be provided during the tour briefing, in which necessary luggage will have to be packed by the passengers – Maximum 5 kg/person will be permitted.

This is the starting day of the Do Dham Yatra. Passengers will check-out from the hotel at 11:15 am, after breakfast. They will be picked-up from the Hotel by our team & taken to Sahastradhara Heli drome. Passengers will report at Sahastradhara Heli drome by 11:30 Hrs. In case flight is getting delayed due to NOTAM/delayed clearances/bad weather etc., we shall convey to the passengers in advance, so that they may report according to the delayed timings at the Heli drome. Sirsi – Himalayan Heli’s third, and the oldest, own Heli-base in the Chardham sector. We operate the shuttle services for Kedarnath ji shrine from here. Passengers will be ferried to Kedarnath Dham for darshan in a shuttle services flight. Approximate time taken for Kedarnath Temple Darshan: 02 hours. The shuttle services flight Sirsi to Kedarnath is approx. 07 minutes long. Passengers might be ferried in different shuttle services flights, in view of the maximum weight carrying capacity of the aircraft at a high-altitude destination such as Kedarnath. Once the darshan is done, we will bring down passengers to Sirsi. Sightseeing at Sirsi: Triyuginarayan Temple – It is the venue of the celestial marriage of Lord Shiva & Goddess Parvati.
11:00 Hrs: Check out from Dehradun hotel.
12:30 Hrs: ETD from Sahastradhara Heli drome.
13:00 Hrss: ETA at Sirsi Heli-Base
Passengers will have breakfast & lunch at Sirsi and be ready for their flight to Badrinath by 12:00 hrs. On arrival at Badrinath helipad, our staff will take the passengers for hotel check-in. Passengers will be taken for darshan to Badrinath temple in the afternoon. Approximate time taken for Badrinath Temple Darshan: Approx. 01-1.5 Hrs. Passengers will be taken from hotel to the temple by car. • Sightseeing at Badrinath: Mana Village – Known as the ‘Last village of India’, due to its proximity to the China border. • Evening Aarti at Badrinath Temple – Swaran/Chandi Aarti (on additional payment basis directly at Badrinath).
ETD/ETA Details
13:00 Hrs ETD from Sirsi Heli-Base.
13:30 Hrs ETA at Badrinath Helipad
Passengers will have breakfast & lunch by 12:30 hrs. and be ready for their flight to Sahastradhara Heli drome by 12:45 hrs. Estimated time of arrival will be 1430 hrs at Sahastradhara. On arrival, our team will be present to receive the passengers. Then passengers will be taken to the Dehradun hotel to collect their luggage from cloak rooms. Later passengers will be dropped to the airport/railway stations, where we bid them Farwell. This is the end of the Do Dham Yatra.
ETD/ETA Details
13:00 Hrs ETD from Badrinath Helipad.
13:30 Hrs ETA at Sahastradhara Heli drome.

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