
5Days / 4Nights
Tour Type
Group Size
Minimum 4
Tour Guide
1 Mentor
Rishikesh and Mussoorie Tour Package From Delhi

Rishikesh and Mussoorie Tour Package From Delhi (5D/4N))

Rishikesh and Mus­soorie Tour Pack­age From Del­hi (5D/4N): Escape the hus­tle and bus­tle of Del­hi and immerse your­self in the serene beau­ty of Rishikesh and Mus­soorie. This 4‑night, 5‑day hol­i­day tour pack­age is the per­fect way to unwind, reju­ve­nate, and explore two of Uttarakhand’s most stun­ning des­ti­na­tions. At SuY­a­tra we offer this pack­age at a price of RS18500. From tran­quil tem­ples to breath-tak­ing view­points, this trip promis­es a blend of spir­i­tu­al­i­ty, adven­ture, and nat­ur­al splen­dour. So, pack your bags, leave your wor­ries behind, and get ready for an unfor­get­table jour­ney through Rishikesh-Mus­soorie!

Rishikesh and Mus­soorie
Rishikesh and Mus­soorie are two pic­turesque towns locat­ed in the north­ern state of Uttarak­hand, India. Rishikesh is known as the ” Yoga Cap­i­tal of the World”; while Mus­soorie is often referred to as the “Queen of Hill Sta­tions” These two des­ti­na­tions offer a per­fect blend of spir­i­tu­al­i­ty, adven­ture, nat­ur­al beau­ty, and tran­quil­i­ty. Rishikesh, sit­u­at­ed on the banks of Riv­er Ganges, attracts thou­sands of spir­i­tu­al seek­ers from around the globe. The town is renowned for its numer­ous yoga ashrams and med­i­ta­tion cen­ters where one can reju­ve­nate their mind, body, and soul. Besides its spir­i­tu­al sig­nif­i­cance, Rishikesh also offers thrilling activ­i­ties like white water raft­ing in Ganges rapids and trekking in near­by Himalayan trails.

Rishikesh and Mussoorie Tour Package From Delhi
Rishikesh and Mus­soorie Tour Pack­age From Del­hi

On the oth­er hand, Mus­soorie is a pop­u­lar hill sta­tion nes­tled amidst lush green hills and snow- capped moun­tains. This charm­ing hill town boasts breath-tak­ing views of val­leys cov­ered with cedar forests. Vis­i­tors can take a stroll along Mall Road- a bustling street lined with shops sell­ing hand­i­crafts, sou­venirs, and local del­i­ca­cies. One must not miss vis­it­ing Kemp­ty Falls — a mes­mer­iz­ing water­fall that cas­cades down from great heights. Both these des­ti­na­tions offer a reju­ve­nat­ing expe­ri­ence for nature lovers as well with numer­ous hik­ing trails amidst dense forests and water­falls wait­ing to be explored. Whether you seek inner peace or adren­a­line-pump­ing adven­tures, Rishikesh-Mus­soorie has some­thing for every­one. So why wait? Book your Rishikesh-Mus­soorie hol­i­day tour pack­age now and embark on an unfor­get­table jour­ney filled with seren­i­ty, adven­ture, and cap­ti­vat­ing land­scapes!

Cost Per Per­son Rs 18,500
Note: The cost­ing is for Indi­an Nation­als only. The above prices are not applic­a­ble for long
week­ends, fes­ti­val dates, Christ­mas and New Year Hol­i­days.

  • Min­i­mum 4 per­sons are required to book this tour

Raft­ing Note: Smok­ing and Alco­hol is strict­ly pro­hib­it­ed dur­ing raft­ing. Over­weight, Preg­nant or
suf­fer­ing from any oth­er med­ical con­di­tions will not be allowed for raft­ing. Do con­sult your doc­tor if
you are fit for raft­ing.

Hotels Name:-

Loca­tion Hotel/Houseboat Name
Rishikesh Bramha­puri Club House
 Mus­soorie Hotel Hansa Par­adise



  • 2 Nights in Jun­gle Camp or River­side Camps
  •  Break­fast, Lunch, Din­ner at Camps
  •  Evening snacks with Tea
  •  9 Kms to 12 Kms Raft­ing
  •  Trans­porta­tion includ­ed with raft trans­port­ing vehi­cle only from Tapo­van Rishikesh to Raft­ing Point only. (not from camp­site)
  •  All class raft­ing gear (rafts, life jack­ets, hel­mets, dry bags).
  •  Expe­ri­enced riv­er guides and kayak pro­fes­sion­als with Inter­na­tion­al Cer­ti­fi­ca­tions for white water res­cue and First Aid/CPR.
  •  Riv­er run­ning per­mits.


  • Paid adven­ture activ­i­ties at the camp­site
  • Trans­porta­tion (oth­er than men­tioned in inclu­sions)
  •  Med­ical, evac­u­a­tion (emer­gency) hos­pi­tal­iza­tion and res­cue expens­es.
  •  The Wall Rapid is not includ­ed
  •  Any kind of per­son­al expens­es.
  • Any kind of trans­porta­tion beyond the trip route & place of stay.
  •  Any­thing not men­tioned in inclu­sions

If the pas­sen­gers have any com­plaints regard­ing our ser­vices like hotels and trans­port are advised to inform imme­di­ate­ly at +91 9599330053 / 9599330054 so that the same be read­dressed on the spot.


  • With­in 15 days of Arrival Date/ No Show: No Refund
  •  15 Days to 30 Days pri­or to Arrival: 50% of the total pack­age cost.
  •  30 Days & More: 10% of pack­age cost (and tax­es are not refund­ed in any case)
  •  Note: No refunds in case of Road Blocks, Acci­dents, etc.


Tour Itinerary

Auli, Chopta Tour Package from Haridwar – 4N / 5D

After arriving at Rishikesh reach the campsite area and check into your camps, take some rest and enjoy other activities and fun games. You can also explore Rishikesh in the evening as well. Overnight stay at camps in Rishikesh.
After breakfast, get ready for the adventurous activity for which Rishikesh is famous for, that is white water rafting. From camps, you can reach River rafting point and we will start our 9 Kms to 12 Kms rafting activity. (You can upgrade your rafting in Rishikesh, by paying the difference). After rafting, we reach back to the campsite and provide you the hot delicious lunch. Now you are free for the local sightseeing of Rishikesh, or want to spend some leisure time at the campsite. Evening snacks will be provided with tea in your camps. Enjoy bonfire and bonfire snacks with some chit chats. Overnight stay at Camp in Rishikesh.
Begin with a mouthwatering breakfast check out from your hotel and proceed for your full day sightseeing tour. Reach Sahastradhara, robbers cave and visit some of the famous spots like Baldi River and take a dip in the water which is said to cure skin diseases. Explore the enchanting caves of this region and click some memorable pictures. After sightseeing transfer to the beautiful hill station Mussoorie also known as 'QUEEN OF HILLS'. En-route visit Mussoorie Lake and check in to the hotel. Overnight stay in hotel.
Enjoy a delicious morning breakfast and get started for the day. Visit the Kempty fall, Municipal garden and Gun hill and explore these places. You can also indulge in some activities while visiting the Kempty falls. Continue your sightseeing in the Company Garden and then visit the famous Mall road. Explore the mall road and watch the people busy with their day to day life. Return back to your hotel for the night. Overnight stay at the hotel.
After breakfast, it’s time to say goodbye to Rishikesh. Our services will end after breakfast at the campsite.

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