
7Days / 6Night
Tour Type
Nepal Tour Package
Group Size
4 Person
Tour Guide
1 Mentor
Nepal Tour Package From Kathmandu

Nepal Tour Package From Kathmandu (6N/7D)


NEPAL TOUR PKG FRM KATHMANDU (6N/7D)-Welcome to the mes­mer­iz­ing land of Nepal, where ancient tra­di­tions blend seam­less­ly with stun­ning nat­ur­al beau­ty. Nes­tled in the heart of the Himalayas, this enchant­i­ng coun­try has cap­tured the hearts of trav­ellers from around the world. From its vibrant cities to its serene moun­tain land­scapes, Nepal offers a pletho­ra of expe­ri­ences that will leave you spell­bound.

If you’re look­ing for an unfor­get­table adven­ture, we have just the per­fect tour pack­age for you — a 6N and 7 D jour­ney that takes you through some of Nepal’s most icon­ic des­ti­na­tions. Get ready to immerse your­self in spir­i­tu­al­i­ty at Pashu­pati­nath Tem­ple, seek bless­ings at Muk­ti Nath Tem­ple, and bask in the tran­quil­li­ty of Pokhara’s breath-tak­ing land­scapes.

Join SuY­a­tra as we embark on this incred­i­ble explo­ration! Let’s dive into our day-wise itin­er­ary break­down and dis­cov­er what awaits us on this extra­or­di­nary Nepal tour expe­ri­ence.

Embark­ing on a jour­ney to Nepal is like step­ping into a world where ancient tra­di­tions blend seam­less­ly with breath-tak­ing land­scapes. And what bet­ter way to explore this enchant­i­ng coun­try than with the Nepal  6N/7D tour pack­age from Kath­man­du? This metic­u­lous­ly designed itin­er­ary offers an unfor­get­table expe­ri­ence, tak­ing you through some of Nepal’s most icon­ic des­ti­na­tions.

Nepal Tour Package From Kathmandu
Nepal Tour Pack­age From Kath­man­du

The adven­ture begins in Kath­man­du, the vibrant cap­i­tal city that will cap­ti­vate your sens­es with its bustling mar­kets and his­tor­i­cal land­marks. You’ll have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to vis­it Pashu­pati­nath Tem­ple, one of the holi­est Hin­du tem­ples ded­i­cat­ed to Lord Shi­va. As you wit­ness devo­tees per­form­ing reli­gious rit­u­als by the sacred Bag­mati Riv­er, you’ll feel a deep sense of spir­i­tu­al­i­ty envelop­ing you.

From there, your jour­ney takes you to Muk­ti Nath, nes­tled amidst stun­ning Himalayan peaks. This sacred pil­grim­age site holds immense sig­nif­i­cance for both Hin­dus and Bud­dhists alike. The tem­ple com­plex at Muk­ti Nath exudes tran­quil­li­ty and offers unpar­al­leled views of snow-capped moun­tains that will leave you awestruck.

Next stop: Pokhara — a par­adise for nature lovers! Sur­round­ed by majes­tic hills and serene lakes, Pokhara is renowned for its nat­ur­al beau­ty and adven­tur­ous activ­i­ties. Take a boat ride on Phe­wa Lake or indulge in adren­a­line-pump­ing paraglid­ing; there’s some­thing for every­one here.

As your tour comes to an end, take back mem­o­ries that will last a life­time as we bid farewell to this mys­ti­cal land. The 6N7D tour pack­age ensures every moment is filled with awe- inspir­ing sights and cul­tur­al immer­sion. So pack your bags and get ready for an extra­or­di­nary jour­ney through Nepal’s won­ders – Pashu­pati­nath Tem­ple, Muk­ti Nath, Pokhara – all wait­ing to be explored!

Nepal Tour Pack­age from Kath­man­du – 6N 7D


  •  MAPI (Room + Break­fast + Din­ner)
  •  Hotel
  •  Sight­see­ing
  •  Trans­fers
  •  Pri­vate Cab
  •  Accom­mo­da­tion


  • Man­aka­mana cable car tick­ets.
  • Pony /horse rid­ing In Muk­ti Nath Tem­ple.
  • Tips, Per­son­al expens­es (bev­er­age, phone call, cold drink).
  • Inter­na­tion­al tick­ets, trav­el insur­ance

Hotels Name

2 nights Hotel in Kath­man­du – Nepal Pavil­ion Inn/Similar 1 Night Hotel in Muk­ti Nath. – Hotel the Grand Shambala/Similar
3 Night Hotel in Pokhara. – Hotel Splen­did View/Similar Break­fast & Din­ner

Cost Per Per­son Rs 29,500
Note: The cost­ing is for Indi­an Nation­als only. The above prices are not applic­a­ble for long
week­ends, fes­ti­val dates, Christ­mas and New Year Hol­i­days.
Min­i­mum 4 per­sons are required to book this tour

Note:- 50% advance pay­ment for book­ing  50% remain­ing bal­ance pay on arrival (before reach

  • Men­tioned prices may vary depend­ing upon date of trav­el, hotel avail­abil­i­ty, surge pric­ing and sea­son­al rush
    Can­cel­la­tion Pol­i­cy: –
  •  No refund if tour can­celled due to bad weath­er con­di­tion or things which are not in our hand.
  • 50% refund if you would like to can­cel your tour 1 month before start­ing date.


  • Air­port pick up/drop (Hotel-Air­port-Hotel)
  • Full Day Sight­seen in Kath­man­du and Pokhara
  •  Kathmandu–Pokhara-Kathmandu sur­face trans­fer.
  •  Pokhara-Muk­ti Nath-Pokhara (shar­ing) trans­port by bus or jeep as per group size
  •  ACAP-Muk­ti Nath per­mit and oth­ers place sight­see­ing entry fee.


  • If Air Tick­ets has been booked by us 100% of the tick­et amount will be deduct­ed if the fare is non-refund­able.
  •  With­in 60 Days pri­or to arrival date of the tour packages/Hotel Booking/Transportation: 25% Reten­tion of the Tour Cost.
  • With­in 15 Days pri­or to arrival date of the tour packages/Hotel Booking/Transportation: 50% Reten­tion of the Tour Cost.
  •  With­in 7 Days pri­or to arrival date of the tour packages/Hotel Booking/Transportation: 100% Reten­tion of the Tour Cost.

If the pas­sen­gers have any com­plaints regard­ing our ser­vices like hotels and trans­port are advised to inform imme­di­ate­ly at +91 9599330053 / 9599330054 so that the same be read­dressed on the spot.


Tour Itinerary

Arrival in Kathmandu-Kathmandu City-Journey to Pokhara-Sightseeing in Pokhara-Road trip to Mukti Nath-Mukti Nath & Return to Pokhara Return to Kathmandu

Upon arrival at the Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu, you will be greeted by our representative and transferred to your hotel. Take some time to rest and acclimatize before embarking on your exciting Nepal adventure.
Today, immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage of Kathmandu as we visit iconic landmarks such as Pashupatinath Temple, Boudhanath Stupa, Swayambhunath Temple, and Durbar Square. Marvel at the intricate architecture and spiritual significance of these ancient sites.
After breakfast, we head towards the beautiful city of Pokhara. Enjoy breath-taking views of lush green landscapes along the way. Once in Pokhara, take a boat ride on Phewa Lake and visit Tal Barahi Temple situated amidst its tranquil waters.
Start your day with a mesmerizing sunrise view from Sarangkot Hilltop. Then explore other attractions like Davis Falls, Gupteshwor Mahadev Cave, Seti River Gorge, World Peace Pagoda, and Bindabasini Temple. Indulge in adventurous activities like paragliding or zip-lining if you dare!
Today marks an adventurous journey as we drive through scenic mountain roads towards Mukti Nath temple - a sacred pilgrimage site for both Hindus and Buddhists alike. Witness stunning vistas along the way including the majestic Annapurna range.
In Mukti Nath, pay homage at the revered temple dedicated to Lord Vishnu while embracing spirituality amidst serene surroundings. Later return back to Pokhara where you can relax and unwind by the lakeside.
Departure onwards your journey

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