
3Days / 2Nights
Tour Type
Mani Mahesh
Group Size
4 Person
Tour Guide
1 Mentor

Mani Mahesh Yatra Package by Helicopter (2N/3D) | 2024

Mani Mahesh Yatra Pack­age by Heli­copter (2N/3D)-SuYatra offers Mani Mahesh Yatra Pack­age by Heli­copter from Pathankot, the pack­age price for this yatra starts from 13500. (heli­copter prices not includ­ed). This yatra lasts for 2 nights and 3 days from Pathankot. In this Yatra, you will come across the beau­ti­ful lake of Man­ima­hesh.

When it comes to embark­ing on the sacred Man­ima­hesh Yatra, there are sev­er­al options avail­able for pil­grims. One pop­u­lar choice is to under­take the jour­ney via heli­copter, which offers numer­ous ben­e­fits and con­ve­nience.

Mani Mahesh Yatra Package by Helicopter (2N/3D) 2024

Opt­ing for a heli­copter pack­age saves you time and ener­gy. The tra­di­tion­al route involves trekking through rugged ter­rain and endur­ing long hours of walk­ing. By choos­ing a heli­copter ride, you can bypass these chal­lenges and reach your des­ti­na­tion in a frac­tion of the time. This allows you to ful­ly immerse your­self in the spir­i­tu­al jour­ney with­out phys­i­cal exhaus­tion.

Fly­ing in a heli­copter pro­vides breath-tak­ing aer­i­al views of the majes­tic Himalayan land­scape. As you soar above snow-capped peaks and lush val­leys, you’ll expe­ri­ence an unpar­al­leled sense of awe and won­der. This unique per­spec­tive adds anoth­er lay­er of beau­ty to your pil­grim­age expe­ri­ence. Fur­ther­more, trav­el­ing by heli­copter ensures enhanced safe­ty mea­sures com­pared to trekking on foot. Heli­copters are equipped with advanced tech­nol­o­gy and expe­ri­enced pilots who pri­or­i­tize pas­sen­ger well-being through­out the entire jour­ney. This means that even dur­ing adverse weath­er con­di­tions or dif­fi­cult ter­rains, your safe­ty remains their top pri­or­i­ty.

Addi­tion­al­ly, opt­ing for a heli­copter pack­age allows you more flex­i­bil­i­ty in plan­ning your trip. You can choose from var­i­ous depar­ture dates and times that suit your sched­ule best. This flex­i­bil­i­ty ensures that you have ample time at each stop along the way with­out feel­ing rushed or con­strained by tight time­lines.

Mani Mahesh Yatra Package by Helicopter
Mani Mahesh Yatra Pack­age by Heli­copter

Mani Mahesh Yatra Pack­age from Pathankot – 2N / 3D

Mani Mahesh Yatra COST (Min­i­mum 4 PAX)

Mani Mahesh Yatra Pack­age Cost: INR 13,500/- Per per­son
Heli­copter Charges: 8,500/- per per­son (full charges apply on child)
Note: 50% advance pay­ment for book­ing & 50% remain­ing bal­ance pay on arrival (before reach hotel)
Kind­ly Note: – Trekker has to car­ry his own back­pack. If some­one wants porters, they may book with us in advance on an addi­tion­al charges INR 1500 per day.

Can­cel­la­tion Pol­i­cy: –

  •  No refund if tour can­celled due to bad weath­er con­di­tion or things which are not in our hand.
  • 50% refund if you would like to can­cel your tour 1 month before start­ing date.


  • 02 Night Bhar­mour HOTEL.
  •  Accom­mo­da­tion on MAP (Break­fast Din­ner) basis
  •  Shar­ing cab/taxi /car from Bhar­mour-Had­sar-Bhar­mour
  •  One local Eng­lish-speak­ing guide will be accom­pa­ny­ing the group through­out trek
  •  Our guide will be car­ry­ing first aid kit with him
  •  Pick­up & Drop off from Pathankot

Cost Excludes

  • Risk cov­er, med­ical or insur­ance of any kind
  •  GST
  •  Porter or pony charges (it can be paid extra), we will not car­ry your lug­gage.
  •  Any train, bus or flight fare
  •  Pathankot or Dharamsha­la to Bhar­mour shar­ing cab/taxi/car
  •  Bhar­mour to Pathankot or Dharamsha­la shar­ing cab/taxi/card.

1. 50% refund if can­celled before 30 days of tour.
2. 25% refund is can­celled before 15 days of tour.
3. 10% refund if can­celled before 7 days of tour.
4. No refund if can­celled in last 7 days of tour.


Tour Itinerary

Mani Mahesh Yatra Package from Pathankot – 2N / 3D

Meet our driver at Pathankot Railway Station/Hotel/Home and transfer to Bharmour, Onarrival at Bharmour check in at homestay/standard hotel in Bharmour. Relax and later in the evening a short trek to Bharmani Temple (1 Hour one way). Bharmani temple is situated at the ridge and is 03 km trek from Bharmour. In evening return back to homestay.
After Having Breakfast shall proceeds towards Bharmour via Taxi, On arrival at Bharmour shall visit to the Chaurasi Temples of Sidh, Chaurasi Temple Complex and the only temple of DHARAMRAJ YAMA there which is the only one temple in the India and there is a story about the temple that after the death when soul travels to the end destination they have to stops here in this temple for settling the accounts which he had did in his life, so recommended to visit this temple once in his life. After that fly by helicopter to Gauri Kund and then a walking journey to the Dal Lake, after Having Darshan and Holy Bath shall back to Gauri Kund for the fly back to Bharmour Helipad. One can also opt for the Darshan of Bharmani Temple also. The temple is on the walking distance of half an hour and then back to Chamba for overnight stay.
After Having Breakfast we shall check out the hotel and leave for Khajjiar and Dalhousie, local sightseeing of these places and thereafter depart for Pathankot and from there we shall board Train or Volvo to way back to Delhi, Overnight Journey in Bus / Train

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