
3Days / 2Nights
Tour Type
Amarnath Yatra
Group Size
4 Person
Tour Guide
1 Mentor

Kashmir Packages From Srinagar (3N/4D) | Kashmir Holiday Tour

Kashmir Packages From Srinagar (3N/4D) | Kashmir Holiday Tour

Kash­mir Pack­ages From Sri­na­gar (3N/4D) | Kash­mir Hol­i­day Tour offers the per­fect oppor­tu­ni­ty to immerse your­self in the breath-tak­ing beau­ty of this par­adise on earth. With a dura­tion of 3 nights and 4 days, you can expe­ri­ence the best that Kash­mir has to offer. From explor­ing the enchant­i­ng Dal Lake and its charm­ing house­boats to vis­it­ing the icon­ic Mughal gar­dens and tak­ing a leisure­ly shikara ride, there is no short­age of activ­i­ties to keep you cap­ti­vat­ed dur­ing your stay in Sri­na­gar.

The tour also includes a vis­it to Sonamarg, known as the “Mead­ow of Gold” where you can wit­ness stun­ning land­scapes adorned with snow-capped moun­tains, glis­ten­ing glac­i­ers, and pris­tine lakes. The adven­tur­ous souls can indulge in activ­i­ties like pony rides or trekking amidst nature’s won­ders. No trip to Kash­mir would be com­plete with­out vis­it­ing Gul­marg, pop­u­lar­ly known as the “Mead­ow of Flow­ers” This pic­turesque town offers panoram­ic views of snow-cov­ered peaks and mead­ows dot­ted with vibrant wild­flow­ers. You can enjoy var­i­ous activ­i­ties such as ski­ing, golf­ing or sim­ply tak­ing a cable car ride for an awe-inspir­ing view from above.

Kashmir Packages From Srinagar (3N/4D) | Kashmir Holiday Tour
Kash­mir Pack­ages From Sri­na­gar (3N/4D) | Kash­mir Hol­i­day Tour

Through­out your jour­ney in Kash­mir, you will be accom­pa­nied by expe­ri­enced guides who will ensure your com­fort and safe­ty at all times. They will pro­vide insights into local cul­ture and his­to­ry while mak­ing sure you have an unfor­get­table expe­ri­ence.

So why wait? Book your Kash­mir hol­i­day tour pack­age with SuY­a­tra and get ready for an incred­i­ble adven­ture filled with nat­ur­al splen­dour and cul­tur­al rich­ness! Immerse your­self in Sri­na­gar’s beau­ty; dis­cov­er hid­den gems along the way; cre­ate mem­o­ries that will last a life­time. Let Kash­mir cast its spell on you!

Cost Per Per­son Rs 14,500/-
Note: The cost­ing is for Indi­an Nation­als only.

Loca­tion Hotel/Houseboat Name
Sri­na­gar Hotel Grand Retreat/Deluxe group of House­boat


  • 2 Night Stay at Hotel in Sri­na­gar
  • 1 Night Stay at House boat in Sri­na­gar.
  • Sight­see­ing as per tour itin­er­ary.
  •  Sight­see­ing as per tour itin­er­ary.
  • Meals — Dai­ly Break­fast & Din­ner is includ­ed.
  •  Meals — Dai­ly Break­fast & Din­ner is includ­ed.
  •  Trans­porta­tion — Entire round trip jour­ney by Pvt Cab.
  • Shikara Ride for 60 Mins in Dal Lake.
  • All Toll Tax­es, Park­ing Charges & Dri­ver Allowances includ­ed
  • All Applic­a­ble Tax­es are includ­ed.


  •  GST
  • Air/ Train Fares.
  • Any oth­er item not spec­i­fied in cost includes.
  •  Big / Small Vehi­cle will be pro­vid­ed as per the group size.
  •  Any Kind of Insur­ance.
  • Gar­den Entrance fees and guide charges, where ever applic­a­ble.
  • At the time of book­ing bring Birth Cer­tifi­cate of child trav­el­ing below 5 yrs.
  • Book your rail­way tick­ets by your­self or con­tact our rail­way agent, for more infor­ma­tion about train con­tact us. Book your air tick­ets ear­ly to get ear­ly bird dis­count avail­able inter­net.
  •  Su-Yatra Com­pa­ny will not be respon­si­ble if the flight is delayed or can­celled.
  •  Union Taxi/ Ponies for Sightseeing’s of Pahal­gam, Son­marg and Gul­marg.
  •  Chain Vehi­cle from Tang­marg to Gul­marg in win­ters.
  •  Item of per­son­al nature, tips, laun­dry, room ser­vice, tele­phone, alco­holic or non­al­co­holic Bev­er­ages, room heaters, boat rides, pony / horse rides, safaris, raft­ing, ski­ing, skat­ing, Rope­way rides, heli­copter rides, addi­tion­al sight­see­ing tours excur­sions not includ­ed in the Itin­er­ary, still or video cam­era fees etc.

If the pas­sen­gers have any com­plaints regard­ing our ser­vices like hotels and trans­port are advised to inform imme­di­ate­ly at +91 9599330053 / 9599330054 so that the same be read­dressed on the spot.

1. 50% refund if can­celled before 30 days of tour.
2. 25% refund is can­celled before 15 days of tour.
3. 10% refund if can­celled before 7 days of tour.
4. No refund if can­celled in last 7 days of tour.

Extra Sup­ple­ment Cost Which Guest Has To Pay Direct­ly:-

  •  SONAMARG: Taxi for Tha­ji­was Glac­i­er Max­i­mum 4000/-, Horse/Pony For Tha­ji­was Glac­i­er Max­i­mum 1500/- to 2000/- Per Horse/Pony, Taxi for Fish pond, Zero Point Max­i­mum 5000/- Return.
  • GULMARG: Gon­do­la Ride 740/- Per Pax (1 st Phase) 1210/- Per Pax (2nd Phase). Horse/Pony is Not Com­pul­so­ry /Snow Bike in win­ter 1500Approx per Round. Snow Chained Vehi­cle 1600/- From Tang Marg Return.
  •  PAHALGAM: Aru, Chan­dan­wari, Betaab val­ley Start­ing rate 2000/- For ECO. Pony/Horse for Bais­aran val­ley 1200/- Per Horse/Pony.
  • Can­cel­la­tion Pol­i­cy
  •  If Air Tick­ets has been booked by us 100% of the tick­et amount will be deduct­ed if the fare is non-refund­able.
  •  With­in 60 Days pri­or to arrival date of the tour packages/Hotel Booking/Transportation: 25% Reten­tion of the Tour Cost.
  •  With­in 15 Days pri­or to arrival date of the tour packages/Hotel Booking/Transportation: 50% Reten­tion of the Tour Cost.
  •  With­in 7 Days pri­or to arrival date of the tour packages/Hotel Booking/Transportation: 100% Reten­tion of the Tour Cost.



Amarnath Yatra holds immense significance for Hindus around the world, as it takes devotees on a sacred quest to seek blessings from Lord Shiva himself. But this yatra is more than just a religious trek - it's a story etched in time, filled with legends and miracles that have captivated believers for centuries. The story of Amarnath is steeped in mythical and spiritual significance. Legend has it that Lord Shiva, the Hindu god of destruction and regeneration, chose this remote cave nestled in the Himalayas to reveal the secret of immortality to his divine consort Parvati.

Our services start upon your arrival at Srinagar, you will be greeted by our representative and Transfer to Srinagar On arrival check into the hotel/Houseboat. Afternoon leave Visit to famous Shalimar Mughal laid out in the 16th century & these fall along the bank of Dal-lake in the heart of Srinagar city  & Shankaracharya Temple on a hillock,Pari Mahal evening visit Market, return back to the Houseboat/Hotel and overnight stay. Note:- So Many time restrictions on check post during Amarnath Yatra
Next day early in the morning after Breakfast and Transfer to Sonmarg afternoon leave Visit to famous & meadow of gold’ Sonamarg. Sonmarg is last stop of Kashmir district. From here starts the territory of ladhakh. Situated at an altitude of 2743m above sea level. The fast flowing Sindh River makes it popular for trout and masher fishing in summer. You can opt for a pony ride to one of the glaciers for some fun in snow and ice (at your own cost). Return to the Hotel in Sonmarg in the evening and enjoy comfortable overnight stay.
Next day in the morning to take a helicopter ride for Panchtarni from Baltal, Visit Amarnath Cave and return to Panchtarni . Overnight stay in Panchtarni Hotel with Dinner.
Next day after breakfast and check out from Hotel and drive to Srinagar. Overnight stay in Hotel with dinner. If wish do local sightseeing in Srinagar as per the available time. Places to visit in Sringar - Dal Lake, Shalimar Bagh Mughal Garden,NishatBagh, Indira Gandhi Memorial Tulip Garden, Nigeen Lake,ChashmeShahi,and Hari Parbat
Next day after breakfast and check out from hotel transfer to Srinagar Airport for Drop.

Tour end with Su - Yatra

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