
5Days / 4Nights
Tour Type
luxury chardham yatra
Group Size
4 Person
Tour Guide
1 mentor

Chardham Yatra Package by Helicopter (4N/5D) | 2024

Chard­ham Yatra Pack­age by Heli­copter (4N/5D): The Lux­u­ry Chard­ham Yatra by heli­copter offers a metic­u­lous­ly planned itin­er­ary that allows you to vis­it all the four Dhams in just 4 nights and 5 days. The tour starts from Dehradun, mak­ing it con­ve­nient for trav­ellers to reach the start­ing point with­out any has­sle.

Dur­ing this exclu­sive jour­ney, you will get a chance to explore the sacred sites of Yamunotri,
Gan­gotri, Kedar­nath, and Badri­nath. Each des­ti­na­tion is known for its unique spir­i­tu­al sig­nif­i­cance and breath­tak­ing nat­ur­al beau­ty. From the tran­quil Yamu­na Riv­er at Yamunotri to the majes­tic snow-capped peaks of Gan­gotri, every stop on this tour promis­es an unfor­get­table expe­ri­ence. Dur­ing the Lux­u­ry Chard­ham Yatra By Heli­copter tour start­ing from Dehradun for 4 nights and 5 days vis­it­ing all Dhams by heli­copter, you will not only embark on a spir­i­tu­al jour­ney but also enjoy top- notch accom­mo­da­tions and ameni­ties that add an extra lay­er of lux­u­ry and com­fort to make it tru­ly mem­o­rable. In addi­tion to these ben­e­fits men­tioned above — sav­ing time, enjoy­ing stun­ning views, avoid­ing crowds, expe­ri­enc­ing comfort,and pri­or­i­tiz­ing safe­ty — book­ing a lux­u­ry heli­copter tour for your Chard­ham Yatra ensures an unfor­get­table spir­i­tu­al adven­ture amidst unpar­al­leled lux­u­ry.

                                                                             Chard­ham Yatra

Pack­ages Type of Book­ing Rates
Chard­ham Yatra Heli-Tour Seat Basis 1,90,000 Per Pax


  • DEHRADUN : Fair­field by Mar­riott, or sim­i­lar (MAP basis – Din­ner & Break­fast).
  •  KHARSALI : Hotel Yamu­na Par­marth, or sim­i­lar (AP basis — all meals)
  •  HARSIL : Har­sil Retreat, or sim­i­lar (AP basis — all meals)
  •  SERSI : Ghughuti Resort, or sim­i­lar (AP basis — all meals)
  •  BADRINATH: Hotel Snow crest, or sim­i­lar (AP basis — all meals)
  • Hotels are sub­ject to sud­den change.Rooms are booked on dou­ble or triple shar­ing basis only.
  • For a sep­a­rate sin­gle occu­pan­cy room, it will be extra charge­able @ INR 40,000/person (tax inclu­sive).


  • We accept pay­ments via bank trans­fers, cheques, UPI.
  •  The book­ing is to be done in advance with a deposit of 50% of the total amount. Bal­ance pay­ment will be tak­en 15 days pri­or to the date of arrival at Dehradun.
  •  Pas­sen­gers will not be per­mit­ted to board or com­mence the tour, unless full & final pay­ment of the tour has been done.
  • Pay­ments via credit/debit card machine will incur 2% extra charges.


  • If pas­sen­gers can­cel their book­ing, fol­low­ing can­cel­la­tion charges will be applic­a­ble -
  •  More than 15 days pri­or to trav­el date: 30% of total tour cost.
  •  Between 08 to 15 days pri­or to trav­el date: 50% of total tour cost.
  •  07 or less days pri­or to trav­el date: No Refund.
  •  No show: No Refund.
  •  After com­mence­ment of tour: No Refund.


Your Itinerary

The Luxury Chardham Yatra by helicopter offers a meticulously planned itinerary that allows you to visit all the four Dhams in just 4 nights and 5 days. The tour starts from Dehradun, making it convenient for travellers to reach the starting point without any hassle.

This is the reporting day at Dehradun, which is our main base (starting & ending point) for the Heli- tour. Su Yatra arranges this extra night halt for the passengers with dinner and breakfast, to wind down and be fully ready for the journey ahead. Passengers will be picked up from Dehradun Airport/railway station/bus stand according to their arrival timings. In the evening, there will be a Tour Briefing by our Dehradun team, which will be conducted at 1900 Hrs. Duffel bags will be provided during the tour briefing, in which necessary luggage will have to be packed by the passengers – Maximum 5 kg/person will be permitted.
This is the starting day of the Chardham yatra. Passengers will check-out from the hotel at 06:30 am,after an early morning breakfast. They will be picked-up from the Hotel by our team & taken to Sahastradhara Heli drome. Himalayan Heli has its own Heli-base in Kharsali, where our ground staff would welcome the passengers. The staff will then get the passengers settled in the hotel, which is at a walking distance from the helipad. After reaching the hotel, the passengers will be taken for darshan as soon as possible, to avoid yatra rush. Approximate time taken for Yamunotri Temple Darshan: Approximately 05hrs 30mins (round-trip). Yamunotri trek is 06 km one-way. Sightseeing at Kharsali: Hot Spring at Yamunotri Temple, Yamuna Mata Temple, Shani Temple.
Sahastradhara to Yamunotri
06:30 Hrs Check out from Dehradun hotel
07:30 Hrs ETD from Sahastradhara Helidrome
08:00 Hrs ETA at Kharsali Heli-Base
After breakfast, passengers will check-out by 0730 hrs. Arrival at Jhalla helipad will at 0830 Hrs. After landing at Jhalla, passengers will be taken to Harsil village & checked-in the hotel. Harsil – The second destination of our tour, also known for the abundant apple orchards there, is the most scenic and beautiful destination of this tour. Passengers will be taken for Gangotri Dham darshan before or after lunch – Depending on rush. Approximate Time taken for Gangotri Temple Darshan: 3hrs 30 mins (round-trip). The road distance to Gangotri temple is approx. 25 km, which is roughly a 50- Sirsi to Badrinath minute drive. Sightseeing at Harsil: Bagodi Village / Ancient Hindu Temple in Harsil. Other than this, Harsil also has many nearby nature-walks to explore. Yamunotri to Gangotri
08:00 Hrs ETD from Kharsali Heli-Base
08:30 Hrs ETA at Harsil Helipad I
passengers will check-out by 07:30 hrs. Arrival at Sirsi Heli-base will be at 09:00 Hrs. Sirsi – Su Yatra’s third, and the oldest, own Heli-base in the Chardham sector. We operate the shuttle services for Kedarnath ji shrine from here. Passengers will be ferried to Kedarnath Dham for darshan in a shuttle services flight. Approximate time taken for Kedarnath Temple Darshan: 02 hours. The shuttle services flight Sirsi to Kedarnath is approx. 07 minutes long. Passengers might be ferried in different shuttle services flights, in view of the maximum weight carrying capacity of the aircraft at a high-altitude destination such as Kedarnath. Sightseeing at Sirsi: Triyuginarayan Temple – It is the venue of the celestial marriage of Lord Shiva & Goddess Parvati. Gangotri to Sirsi
08:30 Hrs ETD from Harsil Helipad
09:00 Hrs ETA at Sirsi Heli-Base
Passengers will check-out by 05:00/05:30 Hrs. Arrival at Badrinath will be 06:30 hrs. Passenger will first check-in to the hotel and have breakfast. Darshan and sight-seeing will be done after breakfast or lunch – Depending on rush. Approximate time taken for Badrinath Temple Darshan: Approx. 01-1.5 Hrs. Passengers will be taken from hotel to the temple by car. Sightseeing at Badrinath: Mana Village – Known as the ‘Last village of India’, due to its proximity to the China border. Evening Aarti at Badrinath Temple – Swaran/Chandi Aarti (on additional direct payment basis at Badrinath). Sirsi to Badrinath
06:00 Hrs ETD from Sirsi Heli-Base
06:30 Hrs ETA at Badrinath Helipad
Passengers will check-out by 05:30/05:45 Hrs. On arrival, our team will receive the passengers. Then passengers will be taken to the Dehradun hotel to collect their luggage from cloak rooms, and then have breakfast. Later they’ll be dropped to airport/railway station, where we bid farewell to the passengers. Badrinath to Sahastradhara
06:30 Hrs ETD from Badrinath Helipad
07:30 Hrs ETA at Sahastradhara Heli drome
This is the end of the Chardham yatra.

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