
5Days / 4Night
Tour Type
Group Size
Minimum 4
Tour Guide
1 Mentor

Auli Chopta Tour Package From Haridwar (5D/4N) | 2024

Auli Chop­ta Tour Pack­age from Harid­war – 4N / 5D ‑Wel­come to the breath­tak­ing Himalayan par­adise of Auli and Chop­ta! Nes­tled in the heart of Uttarak­hand, these two enchant­i­ng des­ti­na­tions offer a per­fect blend of nat­ur­al beau­ty, adven­ture, and tran­quil­li­ty. If you are seek­ing an escape from the hus­tle and bus­tle of city life, this 4‑night/5‑day tour pack­age from Harid­war is just what you need.

Auli, often referred to as the “Ski­ing Cap­i­tal of India,” is renowned for its stun­ning snow-cov­ered slopes that attract avid skiers from all over the world. Sur­round­ed by majes­tic peaks like Nan­da Devi and Mana Par­vat, Auli offers panoram­ic views that will leave you spell­bound. Whether you are a begin­ner or an expert ski­er, there are plen­ty of oppor­tu­ni­ties to indulge in this thrilling win­ter sport.

Chop­ta, on the oth­er hand, presents a dif­fer­ent kind of charm with its lush green mead­ows and dense forests. Known as “Mini Switzer­land” due to its resem­blance to the Euro­pean coun­try’s pic­turesque land­scapes, Chop­ta is a haven for nature lovers and trekkers. The famous Tung­nath Tem­ple locat­ed here adds a spir­i­tu­al touch to your jour­ney as it is one of the Punch Kedar tem­ples ded­i­cat­ed to Lord Shi­va.

So, get ready for a mem­o­rable adven­ture filled with adren­a­line-pump­ing activ­i­ties and serene moments amidst nature’s boun­ty. Let’s delve into what this tour pack­age has in store for you!

- The best time to vis­it Auli for ski­ing is dur­ing the win­ter months from Decem­ber to Feb­ru­ary.
— Chop­ta remains acces­si­ble through­out the year; how­ev­er, if you wish to wit­ness snow-cov­ered land­scapes, plan your trip between Decem­ber and March.
— It is advis­able to car­ry warm cloth­ing as tem­per­a­tures can drop sig­nif­i­cant­ly in both des­ti­na­tions.
— Ensure prop­er fit­ness lev­els before attempt­ing any treks or adven­ture activ­i­ties.

With these option­al activ­i­ties at hand and essen­tial infor­ma­tion in mind, get ready for an unfor­get­table jour­ney filled with adven­ture and nat­ur­al won­ders in Auli-Chop­ta tour pack­age!

Book your Auli Chop­ta Tour Pack­age from Harid­war with Su-Yatra now and embark on this unfor­get­table jour­ney into the heart of Uttarakhand’s pris­tine beau­ty!

Cost Per Per­son Rs 19,500

Note: The cost­ing is for Indi­an Nation­als only. The above prices are not applic­a­ble for long
week­ends, fes­ti­val dates, Christ­mas and New Year Hol­i­days.

  • Min­i­mum 4 per­sons are required to book this tour

Note:- 50% advance pay­ment for book­ing  50% remain­ing bal­ance pay on arrival (before reach hotel)

  • Men­tioned prices may vary depend­ing upon date of trav­el, hotel avail­abil­i­ty, surge pric­ing and sea­son­al rush
    Can­cel­la­tion Pol­i­cy: –
  •  No refund if tour can­celled due to bad weath­er con­di­tion or things which are not in our hand.
  • 50% refund if you would like to can­cel your tour 1 month before start­ing date.

Hotels Name

  • Auli: Devi Dar­shan Lodge / Sim­i­lar
  • Chop­ta: Grand Hol­i­day Camp/Similar


  • Hotel accom­mo­da­tion as per pack­age same or sim­i­lar hotels.
  •  Double/Triple/Quad Shar­ing rooms in Hotels
  •  Trans­port as per pack­age
  •  Break­fast + Din­ner
  •  Trans­fers and sight­see­ing as pre pack­age car.
  •  All toll tax, park­ing, fuel and dri­ver allowances.
  •  All applic­a­ble hotel and trans­port tax­es.


  • GST
  • Lunch does not include in Pack­age.
  • Any­thing not men­tioned under ‘Pack­age Inclu­sions’
  •  All per­son­al expens­es, option­al tours and extra meals.
  •  Med­ical and trav­el insur­ance.
  •  Any kind of entry fees any­where if not men­tioned in includ­ing.
  •  Tips, trav­el insur­ance, med­ical insur­ance, laun­dry charges, liquors, min­er­al water, tele­phone charges.
  •  All items of per­son­al nature.


  • If Air Tick­ets has been booked by us 100% of the tick­et amount will be deduct­ed if the fare is non-refund­able.
  •  With­in 60 Days pri­or to arrival date of the tour packages/Hotel /Transportation: 25% Reten­tion of the Tour Cost.
  • With­in 15 Days pri­or to arrival date of the tour packages/Hotel /Transportation: 50% Reten­tion of the Tour Cost.
  •  With­in 7 Days pri­or to arrival date of the tour packages/Hotel /Transportation: 100% Reten­tion of the Tour Cost.

If the pas­sen­gers have any com­plaints regard­ing our ser­vices like hotels and trans­port are advised to inform imme­di­ate­ly at +91 9599330053 / 9599330054 so that the same be read­dressed on the spot.


Tour Itinerary

Auli, Chopta Tour Package from Haridwar – 4N / 5D

Today, the tourists will be picked up from Haridwar or Dehradun, and then transferred to Chopta. On route visit Devprayag, Maa Dhari Devi Temple, Srinagar Dam which are some of the famous attractions of Uttarakhand. Check in into the Camp/hotel, take some rest. Relish a delicious meal, followed by a comfortable overnight stay in Chopta.
After breakfast, drive early morning to Chopta, known as Mini Switzerland. Start trek to Tungnath Temple, highest temple of Lord Shiva. The trek is about 3 km from Chopta. Pay your respect at Tungnath temple. It is also known to be a Dwitya Kedar (Second Kedar), one among the punch Kedar. Furthermore, if possible, trek 1 km more to reach Chandrashila peak or summit. You will witness the 360-degree panoramic view of Snow-covered Himalayas. Return back to Hotel/Camp, Chopta. Overnight stay in Chopta.
Next day morning after hot breakfast transfers to Auli on arrival Joshimath enjoy the cable car toward to Auli visit Auli artificial lake, gurso bugyal & in evening come back to Joshimath by cable car dinner & overnight stay in Auli hotel
Start your morning with a delicious breakfast at the hotel and proceed for a half day tour to the Auli Lake and don’t miss to visit the Auli Ropeway, starting from Joshimath and ending in Auli, which offers a majestic view of the Himalayan Ranges. The Auli Ropeway is also the highest and longest ropeway in Asia after Gulmarg. After a tiring but equally beautiful day get back to your hotel for dinner and a cozy overnight stay.
After having an early breakfast, check-out from the hotel, and leave for Haridwar with a box filled with sweet memories.

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