
4 Days / 3Nights
Tour Type
Amarnath Yatra
Group Size
4 Person
Tour Guide
1 Mentor
Vaishno Devi Yatra From Jammu Katra

Amarnath Yatra Package From Srinagar via Baltal (3N/4D)|2025

Amar­nath Yatra Pack­age From Sri­na­gar via Bal­tal (3N/4D)|2025: You can plan this celes­tial yatra only dur­ing the month of Shra­van. This is one of the best pack­ages for Amar­nath Yatra By Heli­copter from Sri­na­gar. It is a part of our 4‑day pack­age start­ing from Sri­na­gar, offered by SuY­a­tra. After vis­it­ing the Cave, pil­grims can explore oth­er scenic places such as Gul­marg, Son­marg, and Pahal­gam.

These loca­tions are well-known for their pic­turesque beau­ty. Addi­tion­al­ly, devo­tees can indulge in a boat ride at dull lake and Nageen lake. Shal­i­mar Bagh and Mughal Tem­ple are also pop­u­lar tourist spots that should­n’t be missed. For those inter­est­ed in sight­see­ing, Son­marg and Sri­na­gar are great options to wit­ness breath-tak­ing views.

Amarnath Yatra Package From Srinagar via Baltal
Amar­nath Yatra Pack­age From Sri­na­gar via Bal­tal

Amarnath Yatra from Baltal, Srinagar (Same Day Return) 03N/04D


(Amar­nath Yatra – July, August — 2024)



Trans­port By
10 18,500/-Pp 22,500/-Pp Tem­po Trav­eller
06 18,500/-Pp 23,500/-Pp Inno­va Crys­ta
05 19,500/-Pp 24,500/-Pp Erti­ga
04 22,500/-Pp 27,500/-Pp Indigo/Dzire
BED with
13,000/- 18,500/-


Son­marg Tha­jwas Glacier/Similar Sul­tan Resort/Similar
Sri­na­gar Clarks Inn /Similar Coun­try inn by


  •  Hotel accom­mo­da­tion as per pack­age same or sim­i­lar hotels.
  •  Amar­nath Heli Tick­et from Bal­tal
  •  Double/Triple/Quad Shar­ing rooms in Hotels
  •  Trans­port as per pack­age
  •  Break­fast + Din­ner. (Jain Food Pos­si­bil­i­ties)
  •  Trans­fers and sight­see­ing as prepack­age car.
  •  All toll tax, park­ing, fuel and dri­ver allowances.
  •  All applic­a­ble hotel and trans­port tax­es.


  •  GST
  •  Lunch does not include in Pack­age.
  •  Any­thing not men­tioned under ‘Pack­age Inclu­sions’
  •  All per­son­al expens­es, option­al tours and extra meals.
  •  Med­ical and trav­el insur­ance.
  • Any kind of entry fees any­where if not men­tioned in includ­ing.
  • Tips, trav­el insur­ance, med­ical insur­ance, laun­dry charges, liquors, min­er­al water, tele­phone charges.
  • All items of per­son­al nature.
  • Porter, pony, horse, cable car, boat, train tick­ets, air tick­ets charges.

Terms and Con­di­tions

The com­pa­ny is respon­si­ble for only those ser­vices which are charged from the guest. All oth­er ser­vices which are not paid by the guest to the Com­pa­ny are sug­gest­ed ser­vices and com­pa­ny is now here bound to pro­vide that ser­vice or pay the cost for the same.


If due to rea­sons beyond our con­trol like riots, flood, acci­dent so any oth­er nat­ur­al or man- made calami­ties, the pro­gram of the tour has to be changed or extend­ed, the addi­tion­al expen­di­ture for the same will have to be borne by the pas­sen­gers. As if any pas­sen­gers, has to leave the tour mid-way, due to any rea­sons like death of rel­a­tive, or ill­ness or any oth­er rea­sons, there shall be no refund for the remain­ing por­tion of the tour.

If the pas­sen­gers have any com­plaints regard­ing our ser­vices like hotels and trans­port are advised to inform imme­di­ate­ly at +91 9599330053 / 9599330054 so that the same be read­dressed on the spot.

Con­fir­ma­tion of the pack­ages is sub­ject to receipt of 100% Pay­ment: 30% of the pay­ment as advance and rest of the amount on or arrival of the tour date oth­er­wise book­ing will be released auto­mat­i­cal­ly with­out any fur­ther inti­ma­tion from our end. In case when the trip is booked only with­in 10 days of the tour date 100% of the pay­ment has to be made while book­ing.

 13 Years above child are allow for Amar­nath Yatra

You are request­ed to pay 30% an advance pay­ment enable in guest to con­firm your FIT or
GIT book­ings with­in 48 Hours and 70% pay­ment before the date of Arrival oth­er­wise book­ing will be released with­out any fur­ther infor­ma­tion from our end.

1. 50% refund if can­celled before 30 days of tour.
2. 25% refund is can­celled before 15 days of tour.
3. 10% refund if can­celled before 7 days of tour.
4. No refund if can­celled in last 7 days of tour.


As dis­cussed with you, the details relat­ed to your query are as below;
Sonamarg: After Sonamarg, there is a Point called Zero point away from Sonamarg,
Tha­ji­was Glac­i­er and activ­i­ties like Fish Point (Under Water Bal­loon Ride). There is only a
Union Cab, Charges for Union Cab: 3500/-to 5000/- (Nego­tiable)
Gul­marg: Gon­do­la Ride is there (Rope Way). In Gon­do­la, you will find Snow and oth­er
activ­i­ties relat­ed to snow. Tick­ets Are fixed as per Govt. fare i.e. Rs. 780 for 1st phase & 920 for 2nd phase.

Pahal­gam: Chan­dan Wari, Aru Val­ley & Betaab Val­ley is there, where only Union Taxi is
allowed and the fare as per the vehi­cle rates starts from 1250 to 2100 (Depends on Points).
BAISERAN is the best place to vis­it in Pahal­gam though it is not a snow cov­ered area but
the place have its own nat­ur­al beau­ty. Either you go by walk or by Horse Rid­ing, or oth­er
activ­i­ties is there.

Addi­tion­al Infor­ma­tion:
1) In Katra for Pithu / Pal­ki / Pony ser­vices Munic­i­pal Com­mit­tee Katra has fixed the rates and they are dis­played on the rate card out­side their book­ing office at Ban­gan­ga. If some­one is over charg­ing above the list­ed rates its upto you how hard you can bar­gain.
2) In Sri­na­gar if you are stay­ing at the House­boat: — Shikara Ride are com­pli­men­ta­ry, do not pay for the same.
3) It is not manda­to­ry for guest to take ponies in Gul­marg & Pahal­gam to vis­it all the impor­tant tourist spots, all the major tourist attrac­tion point is in close prox­im­i­ty so you can walk it down. How­ev­er, if still you wish to take poly ride / sledg­ing / raft­ing etc. the rates the high­ly nego­tiable. Please bar­gain to your max.
4) Sight­see­ing to Aru Val­ley / Betaab Val­ley / Chan­dan Wari at Pahal­gam will be by local taxi union only. Due to union out­side vehi­cles can­not enter these places. The rate is high­ly nego­tiable if you wish to vis­it these places. You have to pay extra direct­ly.


5) For Kash­miri Wazwan Food: — Aad­hoos at Lal Chowk Sri­na­gar is the best place and Mut­ton Kebab at Gee En Bak­ers — Res­i­den­cy Road.
6) For Veg­e­tar­i­an Food in Sri­na­gar: — Krish­na Dha­ba is the best place.
7) If need to mod­i­fy the quote/itinerary or if price is not fit­ting in your bud­get, then let agent know direct­ly. In case of road clo­sure due to snow and slip­pery roads, our vehi­cle will not be allowed to ply as a pre­cau­tion­ary mea­sure. This is as per govt. /administration orders. Only snow jeeps/chained vehi­cles are allowed to ply. These vehi­cles can be hired on a direct pay­ment basis or the same can be arranged by us at an addi­tion­al cost.


It is a part of our 4-day package starting from Srinagar, offered by SuYatra. After visiting the Cave, pilgrims can explore other scenic places such as Gulmarg, Sonamarg and Pahalgam. These locations are well-known for their picturesque beauty. Additionally, devotees can indulge in a boat ride at dull lake and Nageen lake. Shalimar Bagh and Mughal Temple are also popular tourist spots that shouldn't be missed. For those interested in sightseeing, Sonmarg and Srinagar are great options to witness breath taking views.

Our services start upon your arrival at Srinagar, you will be greeted by our representative and transfer to Sonmarg. On arrival after check in, you will be rest for some time then you will be starting your sightseeing tour in Sonmarg famous places like, Thajwas Glacier, Zozila Paas, Zero Point etc. (at own your cost) Note:- So Many time restrictions on check post during Amarnath Yatra
Next day in the morning drive to Neel Garth to take flight for Darshan at Holy Cave, Reach Neel Garth and proceed to the helipad (5 to 10 minutes’ walk), to take a Helicopter ride to Panchtarni. Panchtarni to holy cave distance of approximately 5/6KM by walk or by Ponies/doly/palki (at own cost) after Darshan and pooja return to Panchtarni for return journey by Helicopter to Neel Garth, Pickup from Neelgarth helipad and drive to Sonmarg. Reach Sonmarg and check in at Hotel for Overnight stay.
Next day early in the morning after Breakfast and check out from hotel, Transfer to Srinagar On arrival check into the hotel/Houseboat. Afternoon leave Visit to famous Mughal Gardens Chashma Shahi, Nishat Bagh, Shalimar Mughal laid out in the 16th century & these fall along the bank of Dal-lake in the heart of Srinagar city & Shankaracharya Temple on a hillock, Pari Mahal evening visit Market, return back to the Houseboat/Hotel and overnight stay.
In the morning after breakfast and check out from hotel and drive to Srinagar. If time permits you will go local sightseeing in Srinagar, later our driver will escort you to the airport.

Tour end with Su - Yatra

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